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When I told dad there were no hacks, no horses and no roads in Venice, he said I was crazy in my head and wanted me to take some medicine and stay in bed for a few days, but I convinced him, when we got outdoors, that everything run by water, and when I showed him the canal and the gondolas, he remembered all about Venice, and picked out a gondalier that looked like one dad saw at the world's fair, and we hired him because he talked English.

Dashwood graciously permitted her to fill his columns at the lowest prices, not thinking it necessary to tell her that the real cause of his hospitality was the fact that one of his hacks, on being offered higher wages, had basely left him in the lurch.

Under his hand, on that and succeeding days, artillery disappeared and the emblems of peace and commerce took its place cats, hacks, sausages, tugs, fire engines, pianos, guitars, rocks, gardens, flower-pots, landscapes whatever was wanted, he flung it in; and the more out of place and absurd the required object was, the more joy he got out of fabricating it.

"Have you been steeping them some days?" Cassy asked softly, eagerly. Aunt Kate nodded, then tried to explain. "It's always good to be prepared, and I didn't know but what the cold you used to have might be come back," she said. "But I'm glad if it ain't, if that cough of yours is only one of the measly little hacks people get in the East, where it's so damp."

Davilow's worn beauty seemed the more pathetic for the look of entire appeal which she cast at Gwendolen, who was glancing round at the house, the landscape and the entrance hall with an air of rapid judgment. Imagine a young race-horse in the paddock among untrimmed ponies and patient hacks. "Well, dear, what do you think of the place," said Mrs. Davilow at last, in a gentle, deprecatory tone.

The case of the reformers is that heretofore modern democracy has not had a fair opportunity of showing its best possibilities to the world, because the methods of election have persistently set aside the better types of public men, or rather of would-be public men, in favour of mere party hacks.

And so, followed by a rabble rout of courtiers, without boots or cloaks; and mounted on, sorry hacks the King-of France rode forth from his capital post-haste, and turning as he left the gates, hurled back impotent imprecations upon Paris and its mob. Thenceforth, for a long interval, there: was no king in that country.

He sent a herald to know if the citizens had eaten all their horses yet; a question which was answered by an ostentatious display of sixty starving hacks all that could be mustered-upon the heights.

Spraggon, squinting frightfully at the man, adding, 'go, get me my hack, and don't be talking nonsense there. Our friends then remounted their hacks and parted company in very moderate humours, feeling fully satisfied that his lordship had done it on purpose. 'Hoo-ray, Jack! Hoo-ray! exclaimed Lord Scamperdale, bursting into his sanctum where Mr.

Porter's troubled face. "Ye can't, sor, an' yer next the trut' there. I've seen a herrin'-gutted weed av a two-year-old I remember wan now; he was a Lexington. It was at Saratoga; an' bot' t'umbs! he just made hacks av iverythin' in soight spread-eagled his field. Ye wouldn't a-give two dollars fer him, an' he come out an' cleaned up the Troy Stake, like the great horse he was."