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We have so much in common. How strange it seems that she who lives in the depths of the country should have written a story of the East End!" "That is always so," said the author of Unashamed, in a sonorous voice. "The novel has of late been dwarfed to the scope of the young English girl" he pronounced it gurl "who writes from her imagination and not from her experience.

Wal' this Bert runned away a long while ago, an' never cum back; but he left a baby behind him a gurl baby which a quadroon slave give birth too. The quadroon's name wus Delia, an' the kid wus called Rene. Git them names in yer head. Ol' Beaucaire he knew the gurl wus his son's baby, so he brought her up 'long with his own daughter, who wus named Eloise.

It'll be Neale's whin I see him.... Durade jabbered fer help. But no wan come. Thot big trapper Slingerland stood there with two guns, an' shure he looked bad. Neale slung Durade around, spillin' some fellars who didn't dodge quick, an' thin he jerked him up backwards. "An' Durade come up with a long knife in the one hand he had free. "Neale yelled, 'Lee, take the gurl out!

"`One wants but little here below," he mused, as he glanced round the apartment; "but he wants it longer than that," thought he, as his eyes wandered to the ancient sofa, which was obviously eighteen inches too short for him. "I 'ope you've found 'im, sir," said Mrs Butt anxiously, as she was about to retire. "Found who?" "Your relation, sir; the little boy I mean gurl."

Wilson seemed most detached from any sentiment prevailing there. Some strong thoughts were revolving in his brain. "Burt, you ain't insinuatin' thet I made promises?" inquired Anson, ominously. "No, boss, I ain't. You allus said we might hit it rich. But them promises was made to you. An' it 'd be jest like thet greaser to go back on his word now we got the gurl."

"Not von vord, señor; he only vink von eye like maybe he flirt vid me." "The Swade did that! Holy Mother! an' wid an O'Brien here to take the part of any dacent gurl. Wait till I strip the coat off me. It's an O'Brien that'll tache him how to trate a lady.

If it was the gurl herself" a sudden brilliant idea threw its strong light through Mike's brain pan. He took a dozen quick shuffling steps after Allis, then stopped as suddenly as he had started. "Mother a' Moses! but I believe it's the gurl; that's why the Chestnut galloped as if he had her on his back. Jasus! he had.

"Yes, dear father! only an hour ago. If you but knew it was he who saved me. But for him Father! he must not he shall not die!" "Saved ye? What do ye mean, gurl?" "Hilloo! what's all this rumpus?" The familiar ejaculation, and its adjunct interrogatory, admonished me that a new personage had appeared upon the scene. The voice came from behind.

Wal', Joe he didn't want fer ter make no fuss, ner scare the gurl none, so he went down ter' Saint Louee an' made proof o' ownership afore a jedge he know'd. Then, with the papers all straight, he, an' the sheriff, with Tim yere, the deputy, run up the river at night ter serve 'em quietly on the daughter the white one, Eloise.

"I'll do it for the honor of the ould sod, Annie, me gurl," he cried to his wife, for such she was.