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He bent over the insignificant figure of Huish, where it grovelled, apparently insensible, at the base of the figure-head. "Dead?" he asked. "No, he's not dead," said Davis. "And Attwater?" asked Herrick. "Now you just shut your head!" replied Davis. "You can do that, I fancy, and by God, I'll show you how! I'll stand no more of your drivel."

The keeper of the "Holy Ghost" and his two rows of servants grovelled before them in a body and conducted them to the best suites within, including that taken from Germain. It was next morning that the latter met de Bailleul. His host now placed the final insult upon him. At dinner he motioned him roughly to sit at the table of the rustics. Germain refused; he was paying for better.

She had grovelled at his feet once and it had amused him. He had laughed! She would die rather than afford him a similar amusement. She could never wipe out the recollection of her cowardice; he would remember always, and so would she; but she could atone for it if her strength held. And she prayed that it might hold, until a sob broke from her and her hands cramped around her knees.

In truth that was precisely his feeling, as if he had been capering madly on the brink of some fearful abyss which he could not see until it was revealed to him in a terrifying flash. He shivered. His ego grovelled in the dirt. He had often smiled at theories of dual personality.

The extraordinary creature flung herself from the horse and literally grovelled on the ground before her mistress and burst into tears. "Tell your servant that he must not use such words to Hendrika, Mr. Allan," Stella said to me. "If he does," she added, in a whisper, "Hendrika will certainly kill him." I explained this to Indaba-zimbi, who, being considerably frightened, deigned to apologize.

"He " But the man waited to hear no more. Runnion saw him coming, and scrambled frantically to all-fours, then got on his feet and staggered down the bar. As Poleon overtook him, he cried out piteously, a shrill scream of terror, and, falling to his knees, grovelled and debased himself like a foul cripple at fear of the lash.

So that we may not ourselves become involved and opposed, let us each of us venture a guess and say a bold word as to how it came that the lady, who trusted love to be eternal, grovelled to him that shattered her tender faith, and loved him. Hitherto it had been simply a sentimental dalliance, and gossips had maligned the lady.

Picture to yourself a forest in the Hartz hanging on to the sides of the mountain, but a forest swallowed up. The paths were encumbered with seaweed and fucus, between which grovelled a whole world of crustacea.

His words offended her to sickness; his appearance, as he grovelled bulkily upon the floor, moved her to such laughter as we laugh in nightmares. "O shame!" she cried. "Absurd and odious! What would the Countess say?" That great Baron Gondremark, the excellent politician, remained for some little time upon his knees in a frame of mind which perhaps we are allowed to pity.

He grovelled on the divan heavy in thought and with pendent arms. He dared not touch a brush. He had made fresh attempts at painting, but only to find on each occasion, the head of Camille appear jeering on the canvas. So as not to go out of his mind, he ended by throwing his colour-box into a corner, and imposing the most absolute idleness on himself.