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A famous example of these speeding stars is ``1830 Groombridge, a star of only the sixth magnitude, and consequently just visible to the naked eye, whose motion across the line of sight is so rapid that it moves upon the face of the sky a distance equal to the apparent diameter of the moon every 280 years.

Rose began to move, but Lady Groombridge claimed her attention before she could escape. "Do you know Mrs. Delaport Green and Miss Dexter?" Rose, as she heard Molly's name, found herself looking quite directly into very unexpected and very remarkable grey eyes with dark lashes.

Delaport Green tried to interject some civil remarks, but Lady Groombridge paid not the slightest attention. The only visitors who interested her in the least were Rose and Edmund Grosse. She could hardly remember why she had invited Mrs. Delaport Green and Molly when she met them in London, and Billy was always Lord Groombridge's guest.

"But that's no use for to-night, and Groombridge will be simply furious if I ask him to interfere without telling him how much it comes to. Billy won't say a word." "I think," said Rose very slowly, "that if we all go to bed now, we shall have some bright idea in the morning." Before this master-stroke of suggestion had reached Lady Groombridge's brain, a very low voice came from the window.

"After the time that has elapsed, I am afraid it is the only information we have to offer you." The books were consulted, and the entry was found expressed as follows: "3d March, 1836. Adopted, and removed from the Foundling Hospital, a male infant, named Walter Wilding. Name and condition of the person adopting the child Mrs. Jane Ann Miller, widow. Address Lime-Tree Lodge, Groombridge Wells.

"Of course," said Lady Groombridge, "you won't, don't you know " "Say that you sent me?" The low, detached voice betrayed no sarcasm. She knew perfectly well that Lady Groombridge disliked being beholden to her at that moment. It was rather amusing to make her so.

Not one of them, even the greatest, would be visible to the naked eye until after years of watching. On our finger-ring scale, 1830 Groombridge would be some ten miles and Arcturus thirty or forty miles away. Either of them would be moving only two or three feet in a year. To the oldest Assyrian priests Lyra looked much as it does to us to-day.

Lady Groombridge had not lost her religious beliefs, but she was more dutiful than devout, and did not herself often reflect on what strength duty depended. And Molly, who knew nothing of submission, yet ministered to the older woman's peace by her music. When the men came out, Lord Groombridge took a chair close to his wife's as if to share in her pleasure, and Edmund moved out of Molly's sight.

She might wait for him to begin the attack before she began to build up fortifications. He was at the height of his irritation against Rose, when the three other ladies came out on the terrace. Lady Groombridge instantly told Mrs. Delaport Green that she knew she wished to visit the dairy, and hustled her off through the garden.

Molly did not come back with any air of mystery, but with a curiously negative look. "Thirty-five pounds," she said very quietly. Lady Groombridge sat up, very wide awake. "More than half his allowance for a whole year," she said with conviction. "Oh dear, dear," said Lady Rose, rising as gracefully as a guardian angel from her prie-dieu.