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The news of the final sacrifice on the part of the heir to Groombridge, of all that meant so much to herself and her husband, had made so keen to her the sense of emptiness in their old age. And the music soothed her into a deeper feeling of submission that in reality underlay the outward unrest and discontent of to-day.

Delaport Green would like to stay till the early train to-morrow. But have you seen Lady Groombridge?" "Yes; it's all right or rather, it's all wrong but she won't tell Groombridge to-day, and she will be quite fairly civil, I think." "And this news," said Rose gently, "will make them both think less of that unfortunate affair last night." Molly rose and moved off with an unusually genial smile.

But, however an architect might shake his head at Groombridge, it was really a striking building, massive and very well disposed, and in an astonishingly fine position, commanding an immense view of a great plain on nearly three sides, while to the east was stretched the rest of the range of splendidly-wooded hills on the westerly point of which it was situated.

In a future paper, we will resume the subject of decimals, viewing it with reference to weights and measures; when its advantages will more fully appear, by the facility it affords for the calculation of prices. Groombridge and Sons: 1851. Nations have curious and almost unaccountable peculiarities.

But the very beauty of it all made her more weak; and tears rose in her eyes as she looked at the healing green. "I am tired," she thought; "and, after all, what harm can it do me to meet Lady Rose Bright? And if Sir Edmund Grosse was annoyed to see me here, what does it matter?" Presently Lady Groombridge and her admiring guest came back to where Molly was standing.