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And to his credit it should be recorded that the grinds were the only ones he treated with any seriousness; he took pains to answer their questions; but towards the rest of us, the Chosen, he showed a thinly veiled contempt.

Why, go question them, in the faubourg! They will tell you that he grinds dead men's bones in infants' blood." This time, while even Martine protested, Clotilde, wounded in her affection, grew angry. "Oh, grandmother, do not repeat such abominations! Master has so great a heart that he thinks only of making every one happy!"

There's that Berlaps, who grinds the poor seamstresses who work for him to death and makes them one-half of their time beggars at our stores for something for their children to eat. He is building two houses in Roxbury at this very moment: and out of what? Out of the money of which he has robbed these poor women. Fifteen cents for a pair of trowsers with pockets in them!

You can't make out where you are going, and the current grinds your head up against the weedy rock." "But you got nearly through, didn't you?" "I suppose so, but I don't know. It was all one horrible confusion." "Yes; but another few yards, I expect, and you would have been safe, and could have pulled me through, or helped me as I swam."

She grinds them with a pestle in the fashion of the old masters, and out of the most strange pigments she produces often only soft neutral tints for background and shadow, kneading a vast deal of bright colors away among the grays and browns; but now and then she takes a palette loaded with strong paint, and a great brush, and splashes a startling full length portrait upon the canvas, without much regard for drawing or general composition, but with very startling effect.

Over their graves tread now those who bow the neck and bear the burden and feed the wheels, and know the despair of that civilization which grinds hope from out the heart. The one and the other came, departed, and will depart. The one and the other, the bond and the free, the untamed and the broken, were pawns in the iron game of destiny.

One of the saddest sights in New York is that of a pale-faced, light- haired woman, middle-aged, who can frequently be seen sitting on a Broadway curbstone behind a small hand-organ, from which she grinds a plaintive tune, the notes of which are seldom heard above the thunder of the street. She always appears bareheaded, and with a small child in her lap.

Politicks take a great deal of time, and grinds away a man's honesty near about as fast as cleaning a knife with brick dust, 'it takes its steel out. What does a critter get arter all for it in this country, why nothin but expense and disappointment.

"It's early, and too nice a night to go to bed. Let's take in a show." "I've got some boning to do," returned Frank, with a sigh. "And I ought to plug away at my Latin," added Chet, with another sigh. "Say, but you fellows are the greasy grinds!" objected Harry. "Why don't you take a day off once in a while?" "It's easy enough for you, Swipes; Latin comes natural to you!" exclaimed Tom.

I came here to identify my fate with theirs; to work with and for them; to fight, till I died, against the cruel and merciless prejudice which grinds them down. I have a son, who has just entered the service of this country, perhaps to die under its flag. I have a daughter," Willie flushed and started forward; "I asked you when I began this recital, if you had counted all the consequences.