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Only if this were a ruse on the part of the young man, a mock sentiment, a little got-up theatrical pretence, then, then how disgraced he would be in his own estimation at having been moved by such mockery! The son stood square before his father, disdaining any attempt to evince a supplicating tenderness either by his voice or by his features.

"Her story was a lie from beginning to end," Peter said, "and it is quite possible that it was a got-up thing, on purpose to see whether we could talk Spanish well. I don't think any one could swear to us who only saw us then; but the fact of our speaking Spanish so well would go a long way towards settling the point in the mind of any one who suspected us!"

As Squire of Newton, he was doing quite the proper thing in marrying the daughter of a baronet out of the next county. With a light heart, a pleased face, and with very well got-up morning apparel, Ralph knocked the next morning at the door in Cavendish Square, and asked for Sir George Eardham.

There is Babbage's machine, and Bank Governor's machine, and the Yankee woman's machine, and the flyin' machine, and all sorts of machines, and galleries, and tunnels, and mesmerisers, and theatres, and flower-shows, and cattle-shows, and beast-shows, and every kind of show, and what's better nor all, beautiful got-up women, and men turned out in fust chop style, too.

His appearance was certainly that of a hairdresser's dummy; but in the great demoralization of the land he kept up his appearance. That's backbone. His starched collars and got-up shirt-fronts were achievements of character. He had been out nearly three years; and, later, I could not help asking him how he managed to sport such linen.

As for vegetables, we were strictly limited to turnips, cauliflowers, cabbage and potatoes, and, for dessert, the famous apple tart of England, more deadly even than our mince pie. The proprietor of a certain popular restaurant in New York has a fad for hanging elaborately got-up Scripture texts exhortations mostly around the walls of his restaurant.

It contained six ten-pound notes and a leather bag full of nuggets. "There, sir," said Juniper, triumphantly, "you can tell that this is no got-up thing. I've had no time to write these words on the paper since you collared me. I've carried it about just as it is for weeks, as you may plainly see by looking at the cover of it, till I could give it into your own hands."

"Oh! that's above your mark, a 'highflyer' is a bloke who dresses like a clergyman, or some gentleman. He must be educated, for his game is to know all the nobility and gentry, and visit them with got-up letters, and that kind of thing, for the purpose of getting subscriptions to some scheme. A church-building or missionary affair is the best game. There is only one good 'highflyer' in the prison.

Being tastefully got-up, well printed, profusely illustrated, and extensively denounced by the organs of Toryism and piety, this Christmas Number had a very large sale. Yet, strange as it may sound to some bigoted ears, Mr.

I lay awake pretty near all last night thinking about myself; thinking what a got-up imitation of a man I was, and all that." "And you haven't any diamond shares, and you are not going into Parliament, and you're not " "All Lies," said Hoopdriver, in a sepulchral voice. "Lies from beginning to end. 'Ow I came to tell 'em I DON'T know." She stared at him blankly.