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The hotel generally found a taxi which took us to the theater. But once there we had to skirmish for ourselves and London is a big town, and hundreds of thousands of Londoners are hunting taxis at eleven at night, and they are hard to catch. So we generally had the fun of walking back to Brook Street in the dark. And it is dark in London toward midnight. Paris is merely gloomy.

And, as I have no ambition to be hurled headlong into one of those horrible holes, I shall leave town altogether in a few days. And, Ormiston, I would strongly recommend you to follow my example." "Not I!" said Ormiston, in a tone of gloomy resolution. "While La Masque stays, so will I." "And perhaps die of the plague in a week." "So be it!

I chanced to mention that I had seen the castle, whereupon the millionaire smiled, and remarked: "I fear that I've not been there lately. I am so very seldom in England nowadays. Besides, the old place is so cold and gloomy. It is draughty even on a summer's day.

Human hearts were of less concern to her, for the time being, than human feet, and hers were killing her. She began a recital of her sufferings, as intimate, as agonizing, and as confidential as if Gray were a practicing chiropodist. What she had to say about tight shoes was bitter in the extreme; she voiced a gloomy conviction that the alarming increase in suicides was due to bunions.

It was a most splendid sight; and though the next moment all was dark as before, we gazed still fixedly into the gloomy distance, straining our eyes to observe what was hid from our view forever. "That must be a signal," repeated Baker. "Begad! if Crawfurd sees it he'll interpret it as a reason for fighting. I trust he's asleep by this time," said Hampden.

On the same day, our ladies, who had assembled at the Mills House, in Charleston, left for the North in a body, on account of the state of public feeling in the city. Their presence with us threw a momentary brightness over the scene, but after their departure every thing looked more gloomy and disheartening than before.

Was it a glance of gloomy compassion and deep tenderness which Mortimer threw toward her? I thought I heard him sigh. "I locked the door, and we descended to the library." "As we entered the apartment, the clock on the mantel-piece struck midnight. "My body servant was within call, and I ordered my carriage, which Nighthawk had been directed to have ready at a moment's warning.

But this new idea sustained him; what's more, he began impatiently awaiting the hour fixed, and set off for the appointed spot earlier than was necessary. It was a very gloomy place at the end of the huge park. I went there afterwards on purpose to look at it. How sinister it must have looked on that chill autumn evening! It was at the edge of an old wood belonging to the Crown.

Heathcliff was near, and a cruel hard landlord to his tenants; but the house, inside, had regained its ancient aspect of comfort under female management, and the scenes of riot common in Hindley's time were not now enacted within its walls. The master was too gloomy to seek companionship with any people, good or bad; and he is yet. This, however, is not making progress with my story.

Be as brisk and cheerful both of you as I am. Come, rouse up directly. If I see those gloomy faces any longer, as sure as my name's Garth, I'll give your mother written warning and go back to my friends by the mixed train at twelve forty."