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Updated: August 3, 2024

"Fwhat? fwhy so much the worsher for you an' me: he's ginerous now an' den, anyway; but a great rogue afther all, fwher so high a hid as he carries." "If I don't mistake," proceeded Hogan, "either himself or his family, anyhow, will be talked of before this time to-morrow." "Eh, Batt?" asked the other, who had changed his position and sat beside him during this dialogue "how is dhat now?"

The bystanders were moved. Thus to behold the rich and prosperous Mr. Armstrong, whose reserve was mistaken by some for haughtiness, kneeling on the ground and lamenting over the obscure fisherman, was something they had not expected. "Sill was a good fellow and a ginerous," said Tom Gladding, wiping away a tear, with the rough sleeve of his coat.

He agrees with me says fust squint them renegades gits at regular troops they'll hunt gopher-holes as places o' ginerous salvation." The others remained silent. The game was going decidedly against Jim. It had gone against him from the first as he had known it would. Yet he continued to play, watchful of his opponent, keen to note any irregularities.

You have been in Mr. Leavenworth's family a year?" "Yes, sir." "And liked it? found him a good master?" "Och, sir, niver have I found a better, worse luck to the villain as killed him. He was that free and ginerous, sir, that many 's the time I have said to Hannah " She stopped, with a sudden comical gasp of terror, looking at her fellow-servants like one who had incautiously made a slip.

Though the widow would not touch the coin, she looked lovingly at her son and went on, "It's ginerous you are, loike your father, but you're helpin' me enough when you take your board off my hands. You must save your money to buy clothes for yoursilf, for you need 'em, Pat dear. Mrs. Brady can't be puttin' up with too badly dressed help.

He put it to me plainly, whether it would not be more ginerous in me to let an officer succeed, than to strive to make you share a hunter's fortune. I owned the truth, I did; and that was, that I thought it might; but when he told me that the Quartermaster would be his choice, I would not abide by the conditions.

And among the rest of her gifts she found coal for a week. She had not noticed her sons as she busily took account of her stock, but when she had finished she said, "B'ys, b'ys! 'tis your father sees the hearts of these good people this day and rej'ices. Ah, but Tim was a ginerous man himsilf! It's hopin' I am you'll all be loike him."

"Here, Barney Scaddhan Barney, I say, what's the reckonin', you sinner? Now, Art Maguire, divil a penny of this you'll pay for you're too ginerous, an' have the heart of a prince." "And kind family for him to have the heart of a prince, sure we all know what the Fermanagh Maguires wor; of coorse we won't let him pay." "Toal Finnigan, do you want me to rise my hand to you?

This bait took "capitally," as Van used to say, and not only were two hundred shanties built, but the praise of the "ginerous contractors" was in every mouth; and "Hurrah for Lofin, Van Stingey, & Co.," became a regular toast among the men, as they went to spend a shilling in the company's grocery store.

At the sight one of the spectators made a plea in Pat's behalf. "Whyn't you take him outside?" he demanded. "Into the open. This ain't no place to bust a horse like him! That horse needs air! Get him out into about three-quarters of these United States! Git ginerous! Git ginerous! I hate a stingy man!" Whereupon Helen at last found voice.

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