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Updated: August 13, 2024

Rolling the strips into a ball, he threw it into the waste-paper basket under the table; then filled a glass with sherry, drank it, and dropped his head wearily on his hand. Five leaden minutes crawled away, and a long, heavy sigh quivered through Gen'l Darrington's gaunt frame.

You are hereby ordered to throw your troops forward without reserve, permitting them to be halted by no obstacle, until they come into actual touch with my columns. The success or failure of my plans will depend utterly upon your strict observance of these orders. "R. E. LEE, "Gen'l Commanding" I handed back the paper, and lifted my hand in salute. "You have memorized it?" "Word for word, sir."

You have been told that I intentionally missed the train; that when seen at 10 P.M. in the pine woods, I was stealing back to my mother's old home; that I entered at midnight the bedroom where her father slept, stupefied him with chloroform, broke open his vault, robbed it of money, jewels and will; and that when Gen'l Darrington awoke and attempted to rescue his property, I deliberately killed him.

"Headquarters, Army Northern Virginia, "In the field, near Custer House, "Sept. 22, 2 P.M. "Lieut.-Gen'l Longstreet, "Commanding Left Wing. "Sir: You will advance your entire force by the Connelton and Sheffield pikes, so as to reach Castle Rock with your full infantry command by daybreak, September 26th. Let this supersede all other orders.

No faintest reflection of the fierce pain at his heart could have been discerned on that non-committal countenance; and as he turned to the jury, his swart magnetic face appeared cruelly hard, sinister. "I first saw the prisoner at 'Elm Bluff', on the afternoon previous to Gen'l Darrington's death.

Clad in a long gown, with loose sleeves, Gen'l Darrington stood near the hearth, brandishing the brass unicorn in one hand, the other thrown out and clinched; the face rather more than profile, scarcely three-quarters, was wonderfully distinct, and the hair much dishevelled.

"My mis'tiss, seh," he said again and his hand went up to his eyes. "The wife of Captain Cary," Harris said in a low tone and the General nodded. "Den bless Gawd de Cun'l come! He pick him down offn de front po'ch and put him under 'rest. Yas, seh. An' Miss Hallie, she sho' was hoppin', Gen'l. She " "Never mind that," sighed the man whose creed was Patience. "Go on with the story." "Yas, seh.

Several hours later I was again at 'Elm Bluff' on legal business, and found Gen'l Darrington much disturbed in consequence of an interview with the prisoner, who, he informed me, was the child of his daughter, whom he had many years previous disowned and disinherited.

"Ef Gyarnit'd vote faw the things o' one common welfare an' gen'l progress an' program, folks an' niggers too could affode faw him to vote faw somepm fat oncet in a while an' to evm take sugar on his vote an' would sen' him to the ligislatur' stid o' me. Thass not sayin' I eveh did aw does take sugar on my vote.

You seem to be in a serious mood all the time, since my return? "'Yes, Marsa Gen'l, we is monstrous serious, sah. We feels bad 'bout Marsa Lincum, what dem 'Sesh kill. He war our bes' frien', He make us free, and we feel dat dar am some wrong somewhar, dat dem 'Sesh starve de Union sogers; dey shoots dem when dey wants to, and dey kills our President, and none of dem get hunged for dis.

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