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"It's a good thing my feelings ain't hurt easy." "Honest, Jimmie, I didn't try to dodge you. I I only thought, with the girls here gabbling so much about last Tuesday night and all, it wouldn't look right. And he had a spell last night again, and the doctor said we we ought to get him South before the first snow South, where the sun shines.

"They were a' speaking and gabbling through other," said Ratcliffe, who was obviously unwilling to carry his evidence farther than he could possibly help. "This will not do, Ratcliffe," said the procurator; "you must speak out out out," tapping the table emphatically, as he repeated that impressive monosyllable. "It's very hard, sir," said the prisoner; "and but for the under-turnkey's place"

'Much obliged! bawled the giant, in military fashion; and his fat fingers in a flash snatched from me not the whole purse but only the two roubles: 'much obliged! He shook his hair back, and ran up to the cart. 'Lads! he shouted, 'the gentleman makes us a present of two silver roubles! They all began, as it were, gabbling at once.... The giant rolled up on to the driver's seat....

The two first that I lifted had nothing attached to them, but proved to be mere empty gourds floating before the wind; but when I tried to seize the largest, it eluded my grasp in a most incomprehensible manner, and slid away astern of me with a curious hollow gabbling sort of noise, whereupon my palfrey snorted and reared, and nearly capsized me over his bows.

From the lecherous, but learned and logical Beecher to the gabbling inanity now doing the drum-major act, is a long stride. Now the very Old Nick is to pay at the World's Fair, and an exasperating stringency in the money market. The great "uncultured West" is flocking to Chicago to see the show, and is seeing more than it bargained for.

O dear, I wish the band would strike up again." It did. A vicious swirl of colour and dizzy, dislocated rhythms prefaced the incantations of the Czardas. Instantly the eating, gabbling crowd became silent. Alfassy Janos magnetized his hearers with cradling, caressing movements of his fiddle.

Could he keep Manuel and Pepe and Dominguez from talking to the milkman that leaking sieve, that gabbling brute of a Shipley, for whose sake she had cast off her old servant that very day? She looked at him with cold astonishment, but without fear. Was he drunk with aguardiente, or had his jealousy turned his brain? He continued gasping, but still pressing his hat against his breast.

There was he always gabbling of thy case, O my Princess, till the head-cook seized hold on it, and so it went to the chamberlain, thence to the chief of the eunuchs, and from him in a natural course, to the King. Now from the King the tracking of this tale went to the under-cook down again, and from him to me.

The writer, imagining that his own conversation hitherto had been too trivial and common-place for the Lion to consider worth his while to take much notice of it, determined to assume a little higher ground, and after repeating a few verses of the Koran, and gabbling a little Arabic, asked the Lion what he considered to be the difference between the Hegira and the Christian era, adding, that he thought the general computation was in error by about one year; and being a particularly modest person, chiefly, he believes, owing to his having been at school in Ireland, absolutely blushed at finding that the Lion returned not a word in answer.

"Well," laughed Miss Chipchase, "it is past twelve; and if Todborough Rectory is to keep its character, we must be off to bed and listen no more to your Suffolk gabbling. It's well mamma is laid up with a cold, or we should have been broomed off long ago." "Very well, Laura; in revenge for that last aspersion I will tell you nothing whatever more about Lionel Beauchamp.