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After a protracted debate in private between the two heads of the Criminal Investigation Department, the names and addresses of the prisoners were recorded and they were set at liberty. Before Li Chang went away Furneaux demanded the return of the three ivory skulls, which were promptly handed over. "One word in your ear," murmured the detective, sotto voce. "Did Wong Li Fu recognize you?"

Furneaux, sitting on the edge of a chair, his head bent forward, his piercing black eyes intent as those of a hawk, a hand resting on each knee, his attitude curiously suggestive of a readiness to spring forward at any instant, now leaned over and tapped the millionaire decisively on the shoulder. "You couldn't have saved her, Mr. Forbes," he said gravely.

He took my point at once, and remarked that he wanted none of my lip, or he would ask me officially what became of Don Ramon de Santander's big pink pearl. It's a queer yarn. There was a bust-up in Guatemala " "Look here, Wally," broke in Grant anxiously. "Are you serious? Did Furneaux really say he was coming here?" "He did, and more he expressed a partiality for a chicken roasted on a spit.

Winter, while listening, had glanced at a clock. "Nine thirty this morning, sir?" he inquired. "Yes. The son lost no time. The affair happened a quarter of an hour ago." "I'll start in five minutes." "Good. By the way, who will go with you?" "Mr. Furneaux." "Excellent. I leave matters in your hands, Superintendent. Let me hear the facts if you return to town before six."

Can I have one word with Dr. Stern?" "I'll see, sir," and the chauffeur went to the house. Furneaux had estimated Hilton Fenley correctly in ascribing to him the quality of cold-bloodedness.

If he faltered now he was forever discredited. These men would read his perplexed face as if it were a printed page. In his distress be was prepared to hear Winter or that little satyr, Furneaux, say mockingly: "Why are you trying to screen James Creighton Forbes? What is he to you? What matter his fame or social rank? We are here to see that justice is done.

The crew of the Sydney Cove were meanwhile living on one of the Furneaux Group, and several small ships were sent down from Sydney to rescue the crew and cargo; these also served to make the coast better known.

Aware of the paramount necessity of suppressing his personal woes, Furneaux at once gave a graphic and succinct account of Fenley's imminent capture and escape. He was scrupulously fair, and exonerated his assistants from any share of the blame if indeed any one could be held accountable for the singular accident which precipitated matters by a few vital seconds.

And, if you make an exception of Theydon, why are you doing it?" Winter bit the end off a cigar with a vicious jerk of his round head. He struck a match and created such a volume of smoke that Furneaux coughed affectedly. "The real clew," he said at last, "rests with the gray car. What did you make of that?" "That, my bulky friend, will figure in my memory as a reproach for many a year.

They were informed here that two ships had arrived at Huaheine, one commanded by Banks, and the other by Furneaux, and their informant describes both Captains so well that it was some time before Cook ventured to reject the tale as too improbable. It is possible that there was some foundation for the story that ships had been seen, for it afterwards became known that M. St.