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The essential point in both the similes of the raw cloth stitched on to the old, and of the new wine poured into stiff old skins, is the necessary incongruity between old forms and new tendencies. Undressed cloth is sure to shrink when wetted, and, being stronger than the old, to draw its frayed edges away.

'It's with some trepidation and sinking of heart that I have come to see you, he said, as he nibbled a lump of sugar. 'You I do not fear; but I stand in awe of your honoured grandmother! I am abashed too by my attire, as I have already communicated to you. Punin passed his finger along the frayed edge of his ancient coat.

And behind the scattered white were blowing gray ones, their edges frayed like torn clothes on a line, and after the gray ones loomed a dark, black one, rushing nearer. And suddenly the woods at their right began to thresh about, with a surprised rustling, and a low mutter, as of smothered warning, ran over the shoulder of the mountain. "Rain!

But no repairs were ever made, no care was taken of anything, the hangings were frayed and ragged, and dust preyed on the furniture, amidst an unconcern which seemed to betoken some proud resolve to stay the course of time. Pierre experienced a slight shock as he entered the first room, the servants' ante-chamber.

Hume winced, but passed no remark. "Well, my information came through an anonymous letter." "You don't say so! How interesting! Have you got it?" "I brought it with me, for a reason other than that which actuates me now, I must confess." He produced a small envelope, frayed at the edges, and closely compressed.

A ragged, bearded, unkempt elderly man in red shirt and frayed overalls, a repellent fell hat pulled low over his brow, reclined on the floor at the end of the bar, his back against a barrel. Apparently he slept. A flash of remembrance from the Montague girl's talk identified this wretched creature. This was what happened to an actor who had to peddle the brush.

In that reme, ben faire men, and thei gon fulle nobely arrayed in clothes of gold, or frayed and apparayled with grete perles and precyous stones, fulle nobely: and the wommen ben righte foule and evylle arrayed; and thei gon alle bare fote, and clothed in evylle garnementes, large and wyde, but thei ben schorte to the knees; and longe sleves doun to the feet, lyche a monkes frokke; and here sleves ben hongyng aboute here schuldres: and thei ben blake women, foule and hidouse; and treuly as foule as thei ben, als evele thei ben.

He paused as though searching for words, then went on quietly: "The silver chord is getting a bit frayed, you know, Nan. I'm an old man, and I'm just beginning to know it." She caught her breath quickly and her face whitened. Then she forced a laugh. "Nonsense, Uncle David! Kitty always declares you're the youngest of us all." His eyes smiled back at her.

Man IS a savage, and civilization but a cloak with which he covers his ferocity as best he can. If the cloak be scant as with the Turk or frayed by time as with the Spaniard we may expect to catch frequent and shocking glimpses of the predacious animal. But Mr.

But the erect soldierly carriage of the wearer, and that neatness and trimness in details, which military experience renders habitual, made this frayed and time-stained uniform seem almost elegant, as compared with the clothes that hung slouchily upon the men around him.