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Foxy, immensely dignified, sat on her haunches, her chin tucked into the forget-me-nots, immovably bland. She was evidently competent for her new role; she might have been ecclesiastically connected all her life. The one-eyed cat was beside her, blue-ribboned, purring her best, which was like a broken bagpipe on account of her stormy youth. 'Ah! you'd best purr! said Hazel.

Stalky put his chin on his hands and regarded the victim with deep delight. "Ti-ra-la-la-i-tu! I gloat! Hear me!" said McTurk. "Foxy brought us tea when we were moral lepers. Foxy has a heart. Foxy has been in the Army, too." "I wish I'd ha' had you in my company, young gentlemen," said the Sergeant from the depths of his heart; "I'd ha' given you something."

"This is sagacious," said he, "and shows an eye for detail. I recognize in your picture the foxy sex. But, at this moment, who can foretell which way the wind will blow? You are not aware, perhaps, that Zoe and Fanny have had a quarrel. They don't speak. Now, in women, you know, vices are controlled by vices see Pope.

They've got no food and no boat They're marooned on this island." "I suppose we'll have to help them out," said Tom. "I guess so, though they don't deserve it." "I lost that boat," moaned Foxy. "I could have got away in it. Poor old Foxy. It's tough on Foxy," and he began to weep.

So we gets to work with the dozen or more canvas sacks that Rupert has been foxy enough to bring along. In the bottom we puts a shovelful of sand; then we dumps in the gold pieces and jewels promiscuous, with more sand on top, not fillin' any sack more'n a third full. That made 'em easy to handle, and when they was tossed into the launch there was no suspicious jingle or anything like that.

Several dogs were lying about the room, or sitting and watching their masters, and one was gnawing a bone under a side-table. The master of the feast sat at the head of the board. He was greatly altered. He had grown thick-set and rather gummy, with a fiery, foxy head of hair. There was a singular mixture of foolishness, arrogance, and conceit in his countenance.

This ceremony over, they sat down to tea. 'And how many brothers and sisters have you, my dear? asked the old lady. 'Never a one. Nobody but our Foxy. 'Edward, too, has none. Who is Foxy? 'My little cub. 'You speak as if the animals were a relation, dear. 'So all animals be my brothers and sisters. 'I know, dear. Quite right. All animals in conversation should be so.

Spring was at hand, the store would soon be closed up, for business was slack in the summer, and besides, Foxy had other use for his money. "Haven't you got any money at all in your house?" Foxy sneered one day, when Hughie was declaring his inability to meet his debts. "Of course we have," cried Hughie, indignantly. "Don't believe it," said Foxy, contemptuously.

Micawber, bursting into a state of much excitement, and turning pale, 'if you ask after my employer as your friend, I am sorry for it; if you ask after him as MY friend, I sardonically smile at it. In whatever capacity you ask after my employer, I beg, without offence to you, to limit my reply to this that whatever his state of health may be, his appearance is foxy: not to say diabolical.

Uncle Jake, however, was cunning of fence. "I don't feel lonesome," he declared. "Ye see I'm a cattle man, an' I like the travelled trails. I ain't huntin' no quicksands. Many a feller has mired down tryin' a new crossin'. No, sir, I calkilate ter remain single." "He's very foxy," commented Ajax, "but he means business. It really bothers me that they won't confide in us."