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Let me have that endorsement gadjet and I'll lash it to the fluke of one of our mudhooks next time we come to anchor, and after it's laid a while on the bottom of Singapore harbor, or wherever it is we next let go, under twenty, thirty, or forty fathom of water, whatever it is, I'll let you see what it looks like. "'No, no, Kiley, don't you do it, says the gunner. 'Don't you do it.

This whale being dead was bound to rise, and the buoyancy of the immense mass brought the two craft up with it, and there they were, poised by the gleaming surface of the whale, which was depressed by their weight, so that no portion of the head, tail, or fluke was visible. "It's them vessels being connected," says Jackson, "as keeps them afloat.

Then Fledra realized what she had said, and hesitated in fear. "I forgot, you weren't to know, Fluke. Will you wait till I call Brother Horace?... Fluke, don't be trembling like that! Sit down, Fluke!... Fluke!" Floyd's face had paled, even to the tips of his ears. He realized now that danger had hung over the fair young sister and he had not known of it.

Frequently also he was unable to enjoy even a few mouthfuls of such fresh air as Wapping could afford. Generally he walked in and out with Mr Fluke, but he sometimes had to go alone. He was soon able to find his way without difficulty, but he never had an opportunity of going in other directions, so that all he knew of London was the little he saw of it while visiting the sights with John Rowe.

Had the vessel caught her midships, she would have at once crushed her like an eggshell; as it was, the fluke of one of her anchors, which was hanging from her bows ready for letting go in case of emergency, the barque being not yet clear of soundings, got foul of the cutter's rigging, sweeping her mast and boom away, the stays snapping under the strain as if they were packthread.

Simon Fluke must be the boy's cousin, although removed a couple of degrees; but that should make no difference if Simon had any affection for his cousin, for the boy is certainly her only surviving descendant." "But have you had any communication with Simon Fluke?" inquired the farmer. "No, I thought that would be imprudent; it would be politic to let the boy introduce himself.

The fish turned swiftly to see what teased him, and in the same split-second of time, over his fluke went the noose, and Red Chicken was up and away, while his companions on a nearby cliff pulled in the rope and killed the shark with spears in shallow water. Red Chicken said that he had learned this art from a Samoan, whose people were cleverer killers of sharks than the Marquesans.

He hadn't hit it off by a mere fluke. There was an art in it all, and how was the art so hidden? Who indeed if it came to that was the occult artist? Launching this inquiry the other day I had already got hold of the tail of my reply. I was helped by the very wonder of some of the conditions that came back to me those that used to seem as natural as sunshine in a fine climate.

"I'll look alive," grinned the boy. "Only of course you know this kill was just a fluke." The modest words evidently pleased the inspector. "That's all right," said he. "You may make another. Who knows?" He patted the lad's shoulder encouragingly and in friendly fashion added: "Nobody bags a diamond robber every day." They went out Mr. Burton, his son, and the two clerks.

Outside the doctor's office Blister and Bob met Houck. The Brown's Park man scowled at the puncher. "I'm not through with you. Don't you think it! Jus' because you had a lucky fluke escape " "Tacklin' a crazy wild beast whilst you an' me were holin' up," Blister interjected. Houck looked at the fat man bleakly. "You in this, Mr. Meddler?