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There was too little show for its value too much sterling gold for the simple effect produced; and I very much doubted whether another like it could be found. The next morning Fleta was too much affected at parting with me, to enter into much conversation. I asked whether she had recollected anything, and she replied, "No; that she had cried all night at the thoughts of our separation."

I felt convinced that I was; but my head was too painful for long thought, and after half an hour's reflection, I gave way to a sullen state of half-dreaming, half-stupor, in which the forms of McDermott, Kathleen, Melchior, and Fleta, passed in succession before me.

They expressed their delight at my so soon coming again, and made a hundred inquiries but I was unhappy and melancholy, not at my prospects, for in my infatuation I rejoiced at my anticipated beggary but I wished to communicate with Fleta, for so I still call her.

I recollected him and his kneeling down by the stream and washing his face. The mystery was solved Melchior had employed him to find out the residence of Fleta. In all probability they had applied to the false address given by Timothy, and in consequence were trying, by watching my motions, to find out the true one.

Nay, but is that likely if, as you suppose, Melchior is Sir Henry de Clare if, as you suppose, it is he who is now trying to find out and carry off Fleta is it probable that you will gain any information from him? I have an idea that Fleta is the little girl said to have died, who was the child of his elder brother. Why so? What interest could Melchior have in stealing his own niece?

There was, however, little occasion for this caution; for Fleta was, as I before observed, very unlike children in general. I then went out with Timothy to look for a tailor, that I might order our clothes, as what we had on were not either of the very best taste, or in the very best condition.

He told me that from Mr Masterton he had learnt that Lady de Clare and Fleta had called upon him very much afflicted with the contents of my letter that Lord Windermear also had been very much vexed and annoyed that Mr Masterton had advised him to obtain another situation as a valet, which he had refused, and, at the same time, told him his intention of searching for me.

"And what can be his object in treating me thus?" "That I can tell you, because I am a party concerned. You remember the little girl, Fleta, who left the gipsy camp with you she is now somewhere under your care?" "Well, I grant it; but I was answerable only to you about her."

As Japhet Newland, I came here to see the Fleta of former days. When I assume my real name, I shall always be most happy of an introduction to the daughter of Lady de Clare." "Oh! how changed," exclaimed she, fixing her large blue eyes upon me. "Prosperity changes us all, Miss de Clare. I wish you a very good morning;" and I turned away, and crossed the hall to the door.

The fact was, that one of my castle buildings had been, that I was to marry Fleta as soon as I had found my own father, and this it was which had actuated me, almost without my knowing it.