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He had ordered 'wheat-bread and chicken fixings, in preference to 'corn-bread and common doings. The latter kind of rejection includes only pork and bacon.

"Why, Cyrus, it's gone," she cried with sudden sharpness. "What's gone?" "Your dinner I was cooking such a beautiful turkey and all the fixings for you." A dull red came into the man's face. "For me?" stammered Cyrus. "Y-yes," faltered Huldah; then her chin came up defiantly. The man laughed; and there was a boyish ring to his voice.

Ours are all bread and butter doings when compared with their grand fixings. I saw and heard a great many things, such as I never dreamed of before, and which for the life of me I could not understand; but I never let on. "One morning, at luncheon, my nephew says to me, 'Aunty C , you have never tasted our New York cider; I will order up some on purpose to see how you like it.

"Well, that tree, which is beyond, and out of sight of the last pickets, stands near a house where a widow woman lives, who washes fine clothes for some of the officers, but wants to keep in with all sides, and so asks no questions and tells no stories. My saddle and fixings are hard by there, in the bushes.

'I am very glad that the Mongolian region around Kalgan has shown signs of bearing fruit. It has strengthened my faith much. I am also glad that God has acknowledged in some degree my work here in Peking, and I feel more hopeful than ever I did. God, too, has cut me adrift from all my fixings, so that I feel quite ready to go anywhere if only He goes with me. Mr.

Of course it took much longer to arrange and make up the necessary useful and ornamental "fixings," as the Yankees call them, for our new house when we were thrown entirely upon our own resources than it would have done in town, where stores and assistants are always to be had; and the saying that "necessity is the mother of invention," was repeatedly verified in our case.

You may lay aside your steam fixings until a more expedient time to use them 'Here he interrupted by saying my walking up would only save six cents; can put Mr. Smooth into the machine and send him up in a jiffy.

They knew one fellow at least, Billy Worth, also a Wolf scout, who was so fond of eating that doubtless at this very moment he was stretched out at full length on the sofa in his den at home, trying to figure how ever he could partake of supper after disposing of such a stupendous amount of turkey and fixings.

It was capable of cooking anything, from a sirloin to a savoury. But when he unpacked it he saw how incongruous such a thing was with the domestic economy of a shanty in the forest. "What does a plain trapper want with fancy fixings like this, anyway?" he asked himself. "If he's hankerin' after delicacies an' dainty cookery, he'd best quit right back to London.

It don't look nice for us to stay here so late alone, not till to-morrow. Ruby and Essie and Charley are going to meet us in the minister's back parlor at ten sharp in the morning. We can be back here by noon and get the place cleared enough to give 'em a little lunch just a fun lunch without fixings." "I hope the old guy don't waste no time splicing us.