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She is quite as anxious as we are that Dexie shall make a good appearance, and if you will collect the fixings and take them in, Mrs. Gurney says her dressmaker will do what is necessary." "Then the trouble may be considered over," said she, with a relieved sigh. "I will run into Mrs. Gurney's myself, and see what I can do for the general good.

But you know the motto we believe in is 'be prepared! That means never to take things for granted. Keep your eyes and ears always on guard, and see lots of things, even before they swoop down on you. So, it's up to us, fellows, to get our tents and other fixings loaded up as soon as we can. After that we'll go aboard ourselves, and try to prepare against a sudden break in the dam."

"Perhaps their skulls were a heap frailer than I allowed for at the time," said Mrs. Yellett, with similar remoteness, yet with a twinkle that showed Mary she understood the situation. "An infant’s skull doesn’t stand much knocking about, I suppose, Mrs. Yellett?" "Not a great deal, if there ain’t plenty of vinegar and brown paper handy, and I seldom had such fancy fixings in camp.

But we know we ought to spare her and that it will be a splendid chance for her. So we say she shall go and we thank you more than we can say. She will need clothes and fixings to take with her and Shadrach and I wish to ask if you will be kind enough to help her pick out what she needs. Maybe Mrs. Wyeth will help too.

"There's a press an' type an' the fixings in a room in the basement, an' Tom Linnet used to print a new card every day for all the three meals. He did it at night, you know, between two an' six o'clock, when nobody's ever around the hotel.

Now, I'm cleverer and better-looking than lots of girls in our set Delia Spaulding, for instance but I don't have half the attention she receives, just on account of her fixings and furbelows." "And Miss Spaulding always manages to keep ahead in those sublimities," said Brother Tom. "Yes," assented Gertrude briskly.

All she needs is a little more of the same stuff, that I can buy 'round here for next to nothing I used to buy for an auction room and a little paint and fixings, and there she is. All I want from you folks is a little money I'll chuck in two hundred and fifty myself and you two can be proprietors and treasurers if you want to.

But she had convinced him that dainty laces and shining silver were to be used for his daily fare and not merely as "company fixings," and being adaptable, the good-natured man obediently fell in with her wishes. And now he was as deft and handy with his table appointments as Patty herself, and quite free from self-consciousness or awkwardness.

For an hour or more Margery and her helpers had been busy at the big fire. At Eleanor's suggestion two of the men had stopped work on the house long enough to put up a rough, long table with benches at the sides, and now the table was groaning with the fine dinner that Margery had prepared. "Good solid food no fancy fixings!" Eleanor had decreed.

She was stunning, in a white sailor suit with red fixings, eyes black as midnight; piles of raven hair. But as soon as he had introduced us, and she had settled his pillows to suit him he was lying in one of those invalid chairs he sent her off to mix a julep or something.