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"I ain't hit a man for five years," 'e ses, still dancing up and down "fighting's sinful except in a good cause but afore I got a new 'art, Ginger, I'd lick three men like you afore breakfast, just to git up a appetite." "Look, 'ere," ses Ginger; "you're an old man and I don't want to 'urt you; tell us where our money is, our 'ard-earned money, and I won't lay a finger on you."

"If you are shot up by an outpost," growled the general, "you will be worse off than homesick. It's forty miles to Mayaguez. Better wait till daylight. Where's the sense of dying, after the fighting's over?" "If I don't catch that transport I sure will die," laughed Chesterton. His head was bent and he was tugging at his saddle girths.

He was a soldier of fortune, loved fighting, not only for the fighting's sake, but for the prize-money which was to be accumulated by campaigning, and he was wont to say that he meant to enter Paradise sword in hand. Meantime his appointment excited the wrath of the provincial magnates.

There's a year to be got over, and fighting's the most agreeable and the quickest way I can think of just now." My father looked disappointed. "I hoped you had got over caring. And you haven't?" For a few moments I met his eyes. But only for a few moments. He didn't laugh. "I'm glad," he said simply. I tried to explain exactly how I felt.

We, who have had so much to do with their descendants, the modern Egyptians, and have fought both against them and with them, know that the "Gippy" is not fond of soldiering in his heart. He makes a very good, patient, hardworking soldier when he has good officers; but he is not like the Soudanese, who love fighting for fighting's sake.

'How does this sort of work suit you, Tregarva, for I don't like it at all! The fighting's all very well, but it's a poor cause. 'Oh, sir, I have no mercy on these Londoners.

"We're to do our share in the grand work, Neal Ward, you and me; we'll have our hands in it in a day or two now. "'May liberty meet with success! May prudence protect her from evil! May tyrants and tyranny tine in the midst And wander their way to the devil. "Ora, but fighting's the work for a man after all.

Yes, I got into my scrapes when I was a boy; but you know times were different then. Everything was rougher. This sort of thing won't do. You must be more of gentlemen now more polished. Fighting's bad." "But you let the sergeant, father, teach us how to use the gloves after you had got them over from England." "Eh? What, sir what sir?" cried the Colonel sharply. "Well, yes, I did.

'Well' she smiled 'you know some say the whole trouble about us is that we do fight. But it's only hard necessity makes us do that. We don't want to fight as men seem to just for fighting's sake. Women are for peace. 'Hear! hear! 'And when we have a share in public affairs there'll be less likelihood of war.

Talk of glory, talk of the fun of fighting, just let a man spend two days on a hard-fought field, as we had to do, and it will be enough to take out of him all love of fighting for fighting's sake. It was an awful sight, to see the number of fine fellows who lay stretched on the ground, never more to move. I had no idea that so many of our own British had been killed.