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But it was best when we were inside the fort and the winter blizzard was howling." "A lot of us were talking a little while back about what they were going to do after the war. What's your plan, sergeant, if you have any?" "I do have a plan, Mr. Mason. I was a lumberman, as you know, before I entered the regular army, and when the fighting's done I think I'll go back to it.

And to come back all right too. I hope they'll make an end of them," said Uncle George stoutly. "You can never tell what will happen when fighting's afoot," she sighed. "He'll take care of himself. Don't you worry, Rachel." "Shall I put a fresh bandage on your head? It is hurting you, I can see."

Fighting's good enough when there's no help for it. But I call it a fool's plan to ride straight into a trap when you might go round it." "You may do what you like," said De Catinat angrily. "My father was a gentleman, the owner of a thousand arpents of land, and his son is not going to flinch in the king's service."

Steve laughed. Then he said severely: "You ought to know better than take chances like that, Tom. Suppose faculty got on to it. Besides, fighting's pretty kiddish for a Fourth Former!" Tom viewed Steve amusedly over the wet towel. "Coming from you, Steve, that sounds great!" he said. "Never mind about me. What I do doesn't affect you. What were you fighting about?"

These orders were extremely agreeable to the McGillicuddy boys, who loved fighting for fighting's sake, and who sought occasions to practise the manly art. Colonel Fortescue sent word to Mrs. Lawrence that she could occupy her quarters until she was able to make some plan for the future. It seemed, however, utterly indefinite when Mrs. Lawrence would be able to plan anything.

That's my pay in advance, and if in less than six months you two don't give those two bullies a big dressing down, why, I'm a Dutchman." "Oh, Lom!" "Oh, thank you!" I cried. "Thank you, my lads, and God bless you both. Fighting's generally bad, but it's good sometimes. There, be off, both of you, and I'll write a letter for those gloves to-night." We left him with our hearts beating high.

"But we must have fighting-men, Swythe," he said, to a little plump, rosy-looking monk in a long gown held tightly to his waist by a knotted rope, which cut in a good way, for the monk was very fat. "Oh, but fighting's bad, sir, very bad," said the monk, passing one of his hands round and round over his shining, closely-shaven crown. "Very bad," said King Ethelwulf.

In Parliament facing the Sassanach, in Ireland facing their police, he has for years the best years of his life displayed the same love of fighting for fighting's sake. In the riots he has provoked, and they are not a few, he is ever regardless of his own skin, and would be truly miserable if he inflicted any serious bodily harm on a human being even a landlord.

Well, we have tumbled among friends at last; but I hope we sha'n't have to lie here till all the fighting's done, for my comrade and me owe the Frenchies something, and we should both like to get a chance to pay it. Here, I say, Private Gray, you might wake up now. Water's only water, after all, and I want my breakfast.

"I hope, your excellency," I replied, with a touch of vanity, "I have still some stomach and a wrist. I will drink to cockcrow, if you will. And if my sword prove the stronger, what?" "There's the point," he said. "Your Englishman loves not fighting for fighting's sake, Doltaire; he must have bonbons for it.