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"I'm hanged if I can see through this!" "You see," Lessingham explained gently. "I am a fatalist!" It was Helen who finally led her lover from the room. He looked back from the door. "Maderstrom," he said, "you know quite well how personally I feel towards you. I am grateful for what you have done for me, even though I am beginning to understand your motives.

"Then I will begin by asking 'Why did you except spiritual blessings? Is not your mind a part of Nature?" "Yes, but Free-Will comes in there I can choose this or that; and God can influence my choice." "Then you are not a Fatalist?" "Oh, no!" she earnestly exclaimed. "Thank God!" Arthur said to himself, but in so low a whisper that only I heard it.

I seized him by the arms; the Cossacks burst in; and three minutes had not elapsed before they had the criminal bound and led off under escort. The people dispersed, the officers congratulated me and indeed there was cause for congratulation. After all that, it would hardly seem possible to avoid becoming a fatalist? But who knows for certain whether he is convinced of anything or not?

There seems to be no authority for the statement sometimes made that after the death of his son Willie, Lincoln showed a tendency to believe in the doctrines of spiritualism. He was not free, however, from a belief in the significance of dreams as portending important events. He was also not a little of a fatalist, as he himself once stated to his friend Arnold.

I am nothing, if not a fatalist." Grace forced herself to smile with her usual brightness, and the two girls entered the house arm in arm, each endeavoring, for the sake of the other to stifle her unhappiness. It was not yet ten o'clock and the lights were still burning in the living room. Gathered about the library table were six girls, deep in conversation.

Her still overwrought nerves, her excitement and agitation, lent beautiful Marguerite Blakeney much additional charm: escorted by a veritable bevy of men of all ages and of most nationalities, she called forth many exclamations of admiration from everyone as she passed. She would not allow herself any more time to think. Her early, somewhat Bohemian training had made her something of a fatalist.

Had the Carlists succeeded in apprehending me, I should instantly have been shot, and my body cast on the rocks to feed the vultures and wolves. But "it was not so written," said Antonio, who, like many of his countrymen, was a fatalist.

The fatalist, and those who conceive every human volition and action to be the effect of divine agency, have no rational motive, to do, or suffer for religion. "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die." However we may amuse ourselves with idle speculations, this life is approbation season. Our use or abuse of the talents we possess will determine us to happiness, or misery, honor or infamy.

That is rank superstition, you say? Aye, it may be! But in the region of the front everyone you meet has become superstitious, if that is the word you choose. That is especially true of the soldiers. Every man at the front, it seemed to me, was a fatalist. What is to be will be, they say.

But the positions were reversed, and the soul of the Wyandot was full of shame and anger. He dived as his foe had done, but he came up several feet away from the canoe, and he saw the terrible youth with his own rifle held by the barrel, ready to crush him with a single, deadly blow. The Wyandot perhaps was a fatalist and he resigned himself to the end.