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Hardened by the fatalist conviction that now possessed him, Midwinter read the rector's confession of defeat, from the first line to the last, without the slightest betrayal either of interest or surprise. The one part of the letter at which he looked back was the closing part of it. "I owe much to Mr. Brock's kindness," he thought; "and I shall never see Mr. Brock again.

She believed in predestination, which is to say that she was a fatalist; and while she steadfastly continued to regard this world as a place of sorrow and trials, she concerned herself very little about her participation in a future life. Old Dr. Ewing, the rector of St.

I always felt that answer would have delighted Voltaire and given him another ground for quizzing English moderation even in negation. I thought then, and have often thought since, how far the principle of moderation might be extended, and whether you could be a moderate agnostic or a moderate fatalist or a moderate logician.

Francis Kent's mind had been well trained. Selfish desire had made of him a fatalist. A more beautiful desire led him into a constructive optimism. He thought deeply for a week, perchance he prayed, for he knew that she was praying from the depths of her soul.

Paul was, in short, a fatalist; not of that kind which romance writers feign in order to make the character work through a gloomy presentiment of his own destiny, but merely a believer in a universal original decree, the workings of which we never know until the effects are seen.

He was somewhat of a fatalist in his interpretation of affairs and would hang on with the faith that his luck would turn. It did turn invariably, of course, for when difficulties began to swarm thick and fast he would think vigorously and would usually evolve some idea which served to help him out. His plan was always to spin a web like a spider and await the blundering flight of some unwary fly.

"It seems a pity," said Hermia, smiling. Fabiani shrugged his shoulders and raised his brows to the sky, with the resignation of the fatalist. "It is life voilˆ tout." The soup was of vegetables, for which the Fabiani family had not paid, but it was none the less nourishing on that account.

Alice began to perceive something big and admirable in this man's spirit. She was not of his faith quite the contrary. She was a fatalist. Nothing happened in her world. But she was imaginative enough to understand his point of view. Haney went on. "I know all the tricks. I lairned them, not to use in the game, but to keep them out of the game. I had too much faith in me luck to ever weaken."

Did Madame de Florac play you false when she married her husband? It was her fate, and she underwent it. We all bow to it, we are in the track and the car passes over us. You know it does, father." The Colonel was a fatalist: he had often advanced this Oriental creed in his simple discourses with his son and Clive's friends. "Besides," Clive went on, "Ethel does not care for me.

It was still not too late, probably, for a messenger to catch him at the Hôtel du Rhin before he left. He was too much a gentleman, she knew, not to consider as unsaid the information she had given him, if she asked it of him. "Pouf!" she exclaimed, with a shrug. "This is but the whim of a girl who does not know her own mind. Come I will be a consistent fatalist. The affair is out of my hands.