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Round the fire another evening an argument as to the wrongs of Fatalism, i.e. God's Will, led to a characteristic story by the monk in defence of his views. Dr. S., like many men who lead such lives as he does, was a rigid fatalist. An Albanian found his enemy in vendetta, working in a field. Hiding himself, he prayed to God and S. Nicholas to direct the bullet.

The Austrian Prince on Theodora's right hand pleased her. He had a quiet manner, and the freemasonry of breeding in two people, even of different nations, drew her to talk naturally to him in a friendly way. He was a fatalist, he told her; what would be would be, and mortals like himself and herself were just scattered leaves, like barks floating down a current where were mostly rocks ahead.

Other phases of the shadowy side of his character also asserted themselves. Conspicuous was a certain trend in his thinking that was part of Herndon's warrant for calling him a fatalist. Lincoln's mysticism very early had taken a turn toward predestination, coupled with a belief in dreams.

He is a fatalist in philosophy, and this helps him too. For example, when he transplants a rose bush, he saves himself the trouble of digging very deep by breaking the root, for if the plant is to live it will live, and if it is to die it will die. Some plants live, he remarks, and some plants die. The second half of this aphorism is only too true.

I am rapidly becoming a fatalist. When dealing with such uncertain factors as wind and ice a man can be nothing else. Perhaps it was the wind and sand of the Arabian deserts which gave the minds of the original followers of Mahomet their tendency to bow to kismet. These spectral alarms have a very bad effect upon the Captain.

We discussed it, and I said I wasn't a fatalist." "Did you? Come along. Let's explore." "Our floating home yes." He took hold of her arm. "If my fate is bound about my neck, it's a happy fate," he said "a fate I can wear as a jewel instead of bearing as a burden." They went down the steps together, and vanished through the doorway into the shadows beyond.

'As for me, he rejoined, 'I am a fatalist. Through life I have seen my destiny. What is to be, will be; we can do nothing. 'I have heard of one who expired of a surfeit that he anticipated, nay proclaimed, when indulging in the last desired morsel, said Chloe. 'He was driven to it. 'From within.

An inspiration had seized him. "Come," he declared, "we will pay Draconmeyer back without sending you home to sell your securities. Come and stand with me." She looked at him in amazement. "Henry!" she exclaimed. "You are not going to play? Don't! Take my advice and don't!" He laughed. "We'll see," he replied confidently. "You wouldn't believe that I was a fatalist, would you? I am, though.

He had some touch of wit, some biting observation, and, as he neared the place of the encounter, he played upon the coming event with a mordant frivolity. Not by nature a brave man, he was so much a fatalist, such a worshipper of his star, that he had acquired an artificial courage which had served him well.

On the scientific plane one is a fatalist, the universe a system of inevitable consequences. But as I show in that section referred to, it is quite possible to accept as true in their several planes both predestination and free will. The important belief is free will.