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Updated: August 9, 2024

I've lived as butler in the besht, the mosht ecxlu most arishto you know the sort o' fam'lies I'm tryin' to r'member and and everything was always all ri', and I shall be all ri' in a few minutes." With this assurance he stumbled downstairs, leaving Horace relieved to some extent.

The church-going element, with the Nottingham lace curtains in its parlour windows, would have been shocked, but that it was admitted that "the Latimers has always been a well-thought-of family, an' all of 'em is members in good standin'. They're greatly respected in Willowfield; even the old fam'lies speak to 'em when they meet 'em in the street or at Church.

"But you must have had some reason for leaving her?" "I've sometimes had an idea," said Uncle Ben cautiously, "that mebbee runnin' away ran in some fam'lies. Now, there war my mother run off with an entire stranger, and yer's me ez run off by myself.

Such accidents is liable to occur in the best-reggerlated fam'lies. They do in mine, shoor!" "But, you see," quavered the uncertain voice, "I haven't any more. That's all I had, so I can't pay you back, and "

Starkweather drooped her mouth, and raised her brows, with a sigh of extreme and most self-sacrificial virtue. "Oh, of course Idy fires up if anybody says anythin' ag'in' 'er fawther. I guess that's always the way; them that does least fer their fam'lies always gets the most credit.

We've never heard the end of one of his stories, an' he's be'n talkin' for twenty years." "All right," rejoined his companion, with a broad grin at the idea. "I'm willin', if you are; but who's goin' to tell our fam'lies the reason we've deserted 'em! I bate yer we sha'n't budge till the crack o' doom.

Stephen replied that he had. But Mammy showed no inclination to go, and he was too polite to shut the door: "How you like Glencoe, Mistah Bride?" He was charmed with it. "We has some of de fust fam'lies out heah in de summer," said she. "But de Colonel, he a'n't much on a gran' place laik in Kaintuck. Shucks, no, suh, dis ain't much of a 'stablishment!

Considerin', too, that I knew her when she was Deacon Salisbury's darter, and our fam'lies waz thick az peas. She knew me well enough when I met her in Frisco the other day." "Have you seen Mrs. Demorest already?" said Demorest, with sudden vivacity. "Why didn't you say so before?"

His chin's pushed too far back under his face, I says, 'and besides, I says, 'Caroline is being waited on by a young hardware drummer, a good steady young fellow travelling out of little old K.C., I says, 'and while he ain't much for fam'ly, I says, he'll have one of his own before he gets through, I says; 'we start fam'lies where I come from, I says." "Good boy!

An' theer he sees Juliet, an' she was beautiful, an' he falls plump in love wi' her, an' she falls in love wi' him, an' they meets o' nights, i' the moonlight, on the window-ledge outside her room, but they had to meet i' secret, 'cause the two fam'lies was like cat an' dog, an' there'd ha' been awful doin's if they'd been found out.

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