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Veuillez en avertir le Gouvernement Français et lui exprimer en même temps notre sincère reconnaissance pour la déclaration que l'Ambassadeur de France m'a faite en son nom en disant que nous pouvons compter entièrement sur l'appui de notre alliée de France. Dans les circonstances actuelles cette déclaration nous est particulièrement précieuse.

At the inn there were vacant rooms, and that hasty welcome accorded to the traveller at wayside houses where none stay longer than they can help. 'No, said the landlord, in answer to the General's query. 'We are not busy, though we expect a lady who will pass the hour of the siesta here and then proceed northward. 'Il est rare que la tete des rois soit faite a la mesure de leur couronne.

"Au dessus du ciel qui est faite en voûte

At Plessy I had heard all accents, Swiss, German, Italian; there was plenty of Parisian accent there, and I had told a Parisian flower-woman, whose husband was a Savoyard, that I declined to believe any more in the Southern accent "C'est une blague qu'on m'a faite"; but at Orelay I had discovered the true accent, and I listened to the old man for the sake of hearing it.

The culminating point of this philosophy is the noted aphorism of Condillac, that a science is nothing, or scarcely any thing, but une langue bien faite; in other words, that the one sufficient rule for discovering the nature and properties of objects is to name them properly: as if the reverse were not the truth, that it is impossible to name them properly except in proportion as we are already acquainted with their nature and properties.

"Elle," c'est la souveraine: "accorde, ô Dieu! qu'en devenant plus âgée elle soit faite un homme nouveau, et que dans toutes les causes de justice elle marche en avant de son peuple comme un bélier dans les montagnes." Que de métamorphoses, grand Dieu! Et enfin, pour ne pas sortir de la théologie. C'est aux examens de l'Université. "Qu'est-ce que la foi?

The culminating point of this philosophy is the noted aphorism of Condillac, that a science is nothing, or scarcely anything, but une langue bien faite: in other words, that the one sufficient rule for discovering the nature and properties of objects is to name them properly: as if the reverse were not the truth, that it is impossible to name them properly except in proportion as we are already acquainted with their nature and properties.

'Amen to that, my patron replied reverently. 'But that is not all that is not all. And he began to walk up and down the room humming the 118th Psalm a little above his breath La voici l'heureuse journee Que Dieu a faite a plein desir; Par nous soit joie demenee, Et prenons en elle plaisir.

[Footnote 2: Of this paper there were two copies, one to be kept secret, containing a protestation that none of the king's followers should be ruined or dishonoured; the other to be shown, containing no such protestation. "En l'un desquels, qui m'a esté donné pour faire voir, la protestation n'estoit point. Faite

I hummed noiselessly: "si vous passez par ma vil-le n'oubliez pas ma maison; on y mang-e de bonne sou-pe Ton Ton Tay-ne; faite de merde et les onions, Ton Ton Tayne Ton Ton Ton,"