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Updated: July 31, 2024

Elles déclarent que défalcation faite du service qu'elles doivent assurer

"Que votre volonté soit faite," stammered the Provençal. And the Irishwoman and Basque woman cried, "Deuntar do thoil ar an Hhal

Let me go' and for the last time I shall embrace him, and say in French, 'O mon pere, O mon bienfaiteur, donne moi, pour la derniere fois, ta benediction, et que la volonte de Dieu soit faite!" I sobbed bitterly at these thoughts as I sat on a trunk in that dark storeroom.

The narrative ascribed to Membre, and published by Le Clercq, is based on the document preserved in the Archives Scientifiques de In Marine, entitled Relation de la Decouverte de l'Embouchure de la Riviere Mississippi faite par le Sieur de la Salle, l'annee passee, 1682.

Mine have been simple enough no raptures, nor vows, you understand but looking upon the thing as an affaire faite; and not desirous to hasten or defer the completion." "And Laura? how is she?" Warrington asked frankly. "Laura, George," said Pen, looking his friend hard in the face "by heaven, Laura is the best, and noblest, and dearest girl the sun ever shone upon."

You would avoid the cliché and the commonplace, and the phrase toute faite. Why? Not because you naturally write odd prose contrariwise, left to yourself you write pure journalese; but simply because you are swelled and puffed up with a desire to pose. You want what the Martha Brown school calls 'distinction' in prose. My little friend, I know how it is done, and I find it contemptible.

Par la présente écriture, faite

Le Directeur du Département Politique m'informe, que lors de la communication qu'il a faite

Coming to a castle he is received by a solemn procession, with great rejoicing; through him the folk have regained the land and goods which they had lost. The mistress of the castle is more explicit. Perceval had asked concerning the Grail: "par coi amende Somes, en si faite maniere Qu'en ceste regne n'avoit riviere Qui ne fust gaste, ne fontaine. E la terre gaste et soutaine."

"He will make all his characters stutter soon," said Millaud. "We had better pay him by the line." Of course this is a story faite

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