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Updated: August 5, 2024

The call was answered by a messenger who had been far many years in the service of the Pelican House, and who knew many secrets of the gods. The man actually grew pale when he saw the address on the envelope which was put in his hand and read the denomination of the crisp note under it that was the price of silence. "F-find the gentleman and give it to him yourself. Er John?" "Yes, Mr. Bass?"

"S-s-says he'll go plumb ter Denver 'fore he 'll g-g-give up, an' if he d-don't f-find any sich he 'll c-c-come back an' p-p-perforate F-F-Farnham." "Bedad!" a tinge of unrestrained delight apparent in the sudden roar, "an' was he hot?" "H-he sure was. He m-m-m-meant business all r-right, an' hed f-f-forty rounds b-b-buckled on him.

He scrutinized the young man and found him decidedly agreeable to look at, and at the same time a vague realization of his own predicament returned for a moment. "Yates," he said unsteadily, "all I ask of you is to keep this terrible n-news from my innocent d-daughters until I can f-find out what sort of a person is f-fated to lead me to the altar!"

The call was answered by a messenger who had been far many years in the service of the Pelican House, and who knew many secrets of the gods. The man actually grew pale when he saw the address on the envelope which was put in his hand and read the denomination of the crisp note under it that was the price of silence. "F-find the gentleman and give it to him yourself. Er John?" "Yes, Mr. Bass?"

Yesterday he come rarin' in to f-find out what I told him that for. 'Fellow, I says, 'Fellow, any r-road you can g-get over is a good road in this country. It's t-thataway with marriage, son, an' don't you forget it a h-holy minute. Another thing, this being u-united in wedlock ain't no sinecure." "Ain't no which kind of a sin?" inquired Reeves. Dud Hollister grinned admiringly.

The call was answered by a messenger who had been far many years in the service of the Pelican House, and who knew many secrets of the gods. The man actually grew pale when he saw the address on the envelope which was put in his hand and read the denomination of the crisp note under it that was the price of silence. "F-find the gentleman and give it to him yourself. Er John?" "Yes, Mr. Bass?"

She never was one to carry her heart on her sleeve. Poor Maggie! I've always so wished I could do something for her! "There, how I have run on! But, then, you asked, and you're interested, I know, and that's what you're here for to find out about the Blaisdells." "To to f-find out " stammered Mr. Smith, grown suddenly very red. "Yes, for your book, I mean."

He has t-told me so often enough! Well, I am devil enough to f-find out a little bit what p-people are thinking about. Your E-eminence is thinking that I'm a conf-founded nuisance, and you wish s-somebody else had to settle what's to be done with me, without disturbing your s-sensitive conscience. That's a p-pretty fair guess, isn't it?"

It was d-d-dark as a p-p- pocket, and this ch-ch-chump here, S-Spike, didn't make the t-tender f-fast to the s-slip, and she f-floated off. The f-fog was so thick that we couldn't s-see the yacht, and we didn't dare t-try to s-swim for her, b-because if we got wet and c-couldn't f-find her, and had to l-l-loaf around all night on s-shore, s-s- soppin' wet, why, that would be r-r-rotten, you see.

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