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This left-handed individual with the eye-glass must be the tutor. That was most excessively annoying. And the injured gentleman, neither looking nor feeling at all well, pulled himself together and sprang to his feet. Jill was there, clinging to her champion. "Run away, Jill!" said Armstrong. "But you have only one arm," said she.

Montresor, whose information on most subjects was prodigious, laughed and adjusted his eye-glass. These battles royal on a date or a point of fact between him and Lady Henry were not uncommon. Lady Henry was rarely victorious. This time, however, she was confident, and she sat frowning and impatient for the book that didn't come.

'I am told, said Bishop magnate to Horse Guards, 'that Mr Merdle has made another enormous hit. They say a hundred thousand pounds. Horse Guards had heard two. Treasury had heard three. Bar, handling his persuasive double eye-glass, was by no means clear but that it might be four. It was one of those happy strokes of calculation and combination, the result of which it was difficult to estimate.

For an immeasurable second the two spectators of the incident were silent; then the house-door closed, the hansom rolled off, and the whole scene slipped by as if with the turn of a stereopticon. Van Alstyne dropped his eye-glass with a low whistle. "A hem nothing of this, eh, Selden?

I never clapped eyes on such a beauty Miss Seraphin is not a patch on her!" "Don't be so noisy, dear Miss Leigh? Yes I heard she was nice-looking." "Nice-looking!" echoed Kate, contemptuously. "Just wait till you see her. She will be focused by every eye-glass in Brighton when she takes the children out for their constitutional." "Dear me! I hope she is a proper kind of person."

He brought us before the beautiful bust for it was beautiful and sprang back and struck an attitude: "Ah, look, genteelmen! beautiful, grand, bust Christopher Colombo! beautiful bust, beautiful pedestal!" The doctor put up his eye-glass procured for such occasions: "Ah what did you say this gentleman's name was?" "Christopher Colombo! ze great Christopher Colombo!"

This was more than enough for the much-enduring, much-perspiring shepherd, who, with a gleam of joy over his broad visage, delivered a terrific facer upon our large, vague, benevolent, middle-aged friend who went down like a shot. Still the Chicken holds; death not far off. "Snuff! a pinch of snuff!" observed a calm, highly-dressed young buck, with an eye-glass in his eye.

She said it was very kind of him to try and spare her feelings, but, really, anybody might say what they liked of Haggart. She and William weren't responsible. Lord Parham, rather nettled, put on his eye-glass, and, being an obstinate man, still maintained that he saw no reason at all to be dissatisfied with Haggart, from the æsthetic point of view.

Bar waved his double eye-glass three or four times between himself and the Bosom, as a rallying answer, and inquired in his most insinuating accents: 'What am I to call the most elegant, accomplished and charming of women, a few weeks, or it may be a few days, hence? 'Didn't your bird tell you what to call her? answered Mrs Merdle.

There was but one tourist for the Lakes besides themselves, a large, military-looking young man, with muttonchop whiskers and an eye-glass, a knapsack and knickerbockers. "Hammond, by Jove!" exclaimed Sir Victor. "Hammond, of the Scotch Grays. My dear fellow, delighted to see you. Captain Hammond, my friend, Mr. Stuart, of New York." Captain Hammond put up his eye-glass and bowed.