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He had a cane, he had an eye-glass, he had a snuff-box, he had rings, he had wristbands, he had everything but any touch of nature; he was not like youth, he was not like age, he was not like anything in the world but a model of deportment. "Father! A visitor. Miss Jellyby's friend, Miss Summerson." "Distinguished," said Mr. Turveydrop, "by Miss Summerson's presence."

The forehead was low, surmounted by exquisitely smooth iron-gray hair. Mr. Wheeler was scrupulously fine in dress, and used a single eye-glass. He gave me hearty welcome, and I prefer to think that the apparent chilling of his attitude to me after he had learned of my financial circumstances was merely the creation of some morbid vein of hyper-sensitiveness in myself.

At length the banquet, for it was nothing less, came to an end, and, having bowed their farewell to the last departing guest, the old man and his son were left alone together in the deserted drawing-room. Philip was seated by a table, his face buried in his hand, whilst his father was standing by the dying fire, tapping his eye-glass nervously on the mantelpiece.

Soon afterwards I saw her look at me through her eye-glass and smile kindly upon me. She was the Marchioness G , whose 'cicisbeo' was Cardinal S C . On the very day I had fixed to spend the evening with Donna Lucrezia the worthy advocate called upon me.

The room door opening at this crisis of Miss Tox's feelings, she started, laughed aloud, and fell into the arms of the person entering; happily insensible alike of Mrs Chick's indignant countenance and of the Major at his window over the way, who had his double-barrelled eye-glass in full action, and whose face and figure were dilated with Mephistophelean joy.

Bellthorp had long since returned to Mrs Riller and flirtation, and Kitty had been dancing with a tall young man, with unsteady legs and an eye-glass that would not stick in his eye. She did not particularly care about Mr Jarper, with his effeminate little ways, but was quite glad when he came to carry her off from the unsteady legs and the eye-glass.

Man who did it wore an eye-glass said he was a tailor." The Colonel had lunched very well indeed. He had done justice to every dish set before him; he had made a little speech, congratulating himself on having such a well-trained body of men to command, and felicitating Chaudiere from many points of view.

"Monsieur," said the Colonel, "see the irony, the implacable irony of fate we had only blank cartridge! But see you, here was this one despised man with an eye-glass, a tailor takes nine tailors to make a man! between the ravine and the galloping tragedy.

The inevitable eye-glass was not forgotten. As for the hat, it was precisely the same in which Carle Vernet painted his dandy of the Directory. When these things were ready, Morgan waited with seeming impatience. At the end of five minutes he rang the bell. A waiter appeared. "Hasn't the wig-maker come?" asked Morgan. In those days wig-makers were not yet called hair-dressers.

Lord, I think I see old Bull put his eye-glass up and look at you, with a dead aim, and hear him say, 'Come, this is cuttin' it rather fat. Or, as the feller said to his second wife, when she tapped him on the shoulder, 'Marm, my first wife was a Pursy, and she never presumed to take that liberty. Yes, that's good, Squire. Go it, my shirt-tails! you'll win if you get in fust, see if you don't.