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"Well, well," she exulted, "I'll have to take it back you certainly did boot him good. I said you were a coward but I was watching you through my spy-glass and I nearly died a-laughing. You just walked right up to him and you were cursing him scandalous, I could tell by the look on your face and then all at once you made a jump and gave him that awful kick.

You can fly wherever you want." "Will you keep your word?" "My word of honor as a brigand," said the sentinel proudly. Maya could scarcely speak. But, if she was to be in time to warn her people of the attack, every moment counted. Her heart exulted. "Very well," she said, "I believe you. Listen, then. Do you know the ancient linden-trees near the castle?

The minor sovereigns require little mention. They retained any titles they had received from Napoleon, while they exulted, at being free from his heavy hand and sharp superintendence. Each got a share, small or great, of the spoil except the poor King of Denmark, who, being assured by Alexander on his departure that he carried away all hearts, answered, "Yes, but not any souls."

At this time all the Brahmakârins, hearing the words spoken by Bodhisattva, words full of right reason and truth, very excellent in the distinction of principles, their hearts rejoiced and exulted greatly, and deep feelings of reverence were excited within them.

"My dear! ... You don't mean to say that they have made you an aunt already?" Martha paused with that inward look which generally accompanies mental arithmetic. "Only about seventeen times," she finally laughed again. When their guest had gone, the two sisters fairly danced around each other. "Oh, Patty!" exulted Miss Cordelia, "I'm sure she's a fruitful vine!"

If he wants Irene, he's going to find out some way of seeing her; and if he don't, all the plotting and planning in the world isn't going to make him." "Who's plotting?" again retorted the Colonel, shuddering at the utterance of hopes and ambitions which a man hides with shame, but a woman talks over as freely and coolly as if they were items of a milliner's bill. "Oh, not you!" exulted his wife.

The fear that he might be seriously injured before he had completed it had seized him. "Now," he breathed at last, "now we'll see!" His hand touched a switch. The motor buzzed. "Ah! She works! She works!" he exulted. Then with trembling fingers he sent out the signal of distress. He followed this with their location, also in code. Three times he repeated the message.

A hundred years before, the hunted Covenanters of the Western Lowlands, with Claverhouse's dragoons a few miles off, exulted in the endless exhortations and expositions of their hill preachers: they relished nothing so keenly as three hours of Mucklewrath, followed by three hours more of Peter Poundtext.

The onlookers exulted in his disgrace; and their outcries were so loud and so bitter that Columbus and his brothers expected every moment to be put to death. Bobadilla lost no time in deciding what to do with his prisoners. They must be put out of the way, but not by death. Instead, he ordered a nobleman named Villejo to take them at once to Spain.

March, John and Meg, Jo and Beth, and all exulted over him with the sincere admiration which boys make light of at the time, but fail to win from the world by any after-triumphs. "I've got to stay for this confounded supper, but I shall be home early tomorrow. You'll come and meet me as usual, girls?" Laurie said, as he put the sisters into the carriage after the joys of the day were over.