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'E's 'ome in England now in some 'orspital, and 'e's as fit as a lord. The only thing wrong about 'im now is that 'e's always the first bloke what stands and gives 'is place to a lady when a tram's full still a bit painful like." Joe Bates expectorated with much precision and care over the parapet in the direction of the Germans. "It ain't bombs wot I mind," he said, "it's them there mines.

The men drank beer by the gallon, and eat cheese by the hundred weight wore jockey-cut coats, and talked slang rode for wagers, and swore when they lost smoked in your face, and expectorated on the floor. Their proudest glory was to drive the mail their mightiest exploit to box with the coachman their most delicate amour to leer at the barmaid.

The approaches to the house where the patient may have expectorated should be disinfected and cleaned. Since the germs are able to live in the soil, fresh lime or wood ashes should be spread around the doorsteps and along the walks. They attack certain glands in the walls of the small intestine, where they produce toxins that pass with the germs to all parts of the body.

"Yes, 'e's a funny sort o' bloke, my orficer, but, my Gawd!" and here Simpson expectorated to give emphasis to his statement "I'd foller 'im against a crowd of 'Uns, or a lot of wimmen what's waiting for their 'usbands what ain't come 'ome at three in the morning, or anythink else you like.

Bah!" he added with a snarl, "this is a place for dogs and not for human folk." "If you are not satisfied, mon vieux," retorted Heron curtly, "you can send in your resignation when you like. There are plenty who will be glad of the place." The ex-cobbler gave another surly growl and expectorated on the floor in the direction where stood the child.

He always expectorated in such an emergency, and left his sentence unfinished. He did so now, and Fred cut in unfeelingly. "Never mind that you've gone over it half a dozen times. You say it was to-day, at noon, or thereabouts. Man must have done it when he found out she'd turned the calf loose he wouldn't unless he was pretty mad, and scared.

"Have a chaw, Dick?" asked Billy, offering his plug of tobacco. "Don't keer if I do," acquiesced Dick, biting off a goodly mouthful. Seating themselves upon a fallen hickory log, they chewed and expectorated, recalling old times, and enjoying their laugh with the careless freedom of their childhood days.

Whether David Dubbs, such was he called, derived the power of writing from his mouth; or whether the gentle excitation of moving his lips over toothless gums assisted thought; or whether, as some said, he chewed tobacco, a position which nobody ever held long, as nobody ever proved him to have expectorated during his whole life; his mouth always closed moved up and down, up and down, with the motion of his pen.

Seth considered for some time in silence, turned his plug of tobacco in his mouth, expectorated two or three times, as was his custom when thinking, and then said, "That's not altogether an easy question to answer. I've been so near wiped out such scores of times, that it ain't no easy job to say which was the downright nearest.

Hence persons laboring under pneumonia or pleurisy are not necessarily empyemics, but when these diseases progress to such a point that blood and sanies are expectorated and the lung is infected, that is when the ulceration of the lungs fails to heal and corruption and infection occur, the disease becomes empima, and is with difficulty, or never cured.