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The old man shrugged his shoulders. "Their Excellencies took me to be their guide, and placed themselves in my hands. They said, `We have faith in you and your young men, who will protect us." "Yes," said the doctor. "Go on." "Well, Excellency, I have failed." "How failed?" said the professor sharply. "I have brought you into danger into the hands of the enemy at once."

But at last some of us decided to give them a hearing, informally; the main object being to get rid of them. At the time appointed, the delegation appeared in evening dress, and, having been ushered into the room, the spokesman began as follows, very impressively: "Your Excellencies, ve are ze Young Turkeys."

And now that she had proof of the bravery of King Daucus Carota the First, it struck her painfully, for the first time, that Herr Amandus von Nebelstern had cried off from fighting him. If she had for a moment hesitated about sacrificing Herr Amandus to King Daucus, she was quite decided on the point now that she had an opportunity of assuring herself of all the excellencies of her future lord.

It was music to Eve's ears, to hear Paul Powis speak of his pious ancestors, as being American, and to find him so thoroughly identifying himself with her own native land; for, while condemning so many of its practices, and so much alive to its absurdities and contradictions, our heroine had seen too much of other countries, not to take an honest pride in the real excellencies of her own.

New faces and new equipages appeared: people, who had never been heard of before, started into notice, pushed themselves forward, not scrupling to elbow their way even at the castle; and they were presented to my lord-lieutenant and to my lady-lieutenant; for their excellencies might have played their vice-regal parts to empty benches, had they not admitted such persons for the moment to fill their court.

"She loves, she adores you!" cried he warmly; and were I not certain she feels your excellencies as they ought to be felt, my veneration for you both should even yet spare you my present supplication. But you would become, I am certain, the first blessing of her life; in you she would behold all the felicity of her son, his restoration to health, to his country, to his friends!"

The viceregal houseparty which included many wellknown ladies was chaperoned by Their Excellencies to the most favourable positions on the grandstand while the picturesque foreign delegation known as the Friends of the Emerald Isle was accommodated on a tribune directly opposite.

To The Inventor of Pumpkin Pie to Peace with all Nations to The Rulers of our Country to The Farmer to Full Stomachs and Merry Hearts to their Excellencies, the President and the Governor; may we obey all their commands as willingly as when they tell us to feast Abounding Plenty; may we always remember the Source from which our benefits come Our two National Fowls, the American Eagle and the Thanksgiving Turkey; may the one give us peace for all our States and the other a piece for all our plates The Turkey and the Eagle; we love to have the one soar high, but wish the other to roost low The Great American Birds; may we have them where we love them best, the Turkeys on our tables and the Eagles in our pockets.

And will any duchess or countess rank with her? Now, Lady Davers, do you not see a difference between my marrying my dear mother's beloved and deserving waiting-maid, with a million of excellencies about her, and such graces of mind and person as would adorn any distinction; and your marrying a sordid groom, whose constant train of education, conversation, and opportunities, could possibly give him no other merit, than that which must proceed from the vilest, lowest taste, in his sordid dignifier?

The auction had already begun, and the auctioneer, a fresh-looking girl with grey eyes planted extraordinarily far apart, was engaged in extolling the excellencies of an aged kettle to a laughing circle of girls. She wore a black dress cut square at the neck, and a rose- coloured ribbon twined round her head.