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"Erin-go-bragh!" shouted the latter; "it's ourselves have gained our liberty."

"Fine place dat, Caesar, for niggar to hide away if de white massa not know it," observed Peter to his companion. "Berry good for hide 'way, but bad for de food; nothing but rats and crickets to eat dare." Uncle Denis, jumping up on the box, shouted "Erin-go-bragh," and away we dashed as fast as we had come. It was dark long before we reached the farm; my mother appeared pretty well tired out.

"There came to the beach a poor exile of Erin, The dew on his thin robe was heavy and chill; For his country he sighed, when at twilight repairing To wander alone by the wind-beaten hill. But the day-star attracted his eyes' sad devotion, For it rose o'er his own native isle of the ocean, Where once, in the fire of his youthful emotion, He sang the bold anthem of Erin-go-bragh."

The old sabre renewed his youth to a certain extent, for he used it in self-defense shortly afterwards. This Erin-go-bragh his name was McKay, I think was in the habit now and then of stealing a pie from the cook, and taking it into his own tent and eating it there. The Chink kept missing his pies, and got a helper to spy out the offender.

He now stopped, and looked first at my uncle and then at me; then, giving a flourish of his shillelagh and two or three wild leaps, he shouted, "Erin-go-bragh! shure it's the young masther and Misther Denis themselves, and no other," and came bounding towards us.

The next instant a redheaded man, with a very distinct map of Ireland in his face, leaped out, shouting: "Si and Sharty, ye thieves of the worruld, whin did ye get back, and how are yez? Howly saints, but Oi'm glad to see yez." "Jim Monaghan, you old Erin-go-bragh," said Shorty, putting his arm around the man's neck, "may I never see the back o' my neck, but I'm glad to see you.

We remained motionless until we caught sight of the heads of the leading horses of the enemy, the chiefs shouting and shrieking as they were about to dash forward into the stream. "Now, fire!" cried my father, and half a dozen redskins toppled over from their saddles. "Wallop, a-hoo, a-boo, Erin-go-bragh!" shouted Uncle Denis.

When, after nearly half an hour's lauding of the Emerald Isle, the orator did stop, he was so carried away by his own feelings that he wound up with a stanza, recited most thrillingly, from "Erin-go-Bragh" and sat down amid deafening applause without referring in the remotest way to his original text. Mr.

"Little Lady Green Mantle," exclaimed Jenny. "Erin-go-bragh," said Julius. "Rose clung to her colours in spite of all predictions about 'the good people. Asleep of course," as Jenny took her and uncovered her face. "She won't exhibit her eyes, but they are quite proper coloured." "Yes, I see she is like Raymond!" "Do you? They all say she is a perfect Charnock, though how they know I can't guess.

I inquire after his wives and children; and I remark how uncommonly well he is looking." And with this, he made another salaam, smiled persuasively, and said "Alpha, beta, gamma, delta chin-chin Potz tausend! Erin-go-bragh!" "Borriobooloobah!" shrieked his majesty, apparently stung to desperation. "Rocofoco!" retorted Müller promptly.