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Out of the six nurses, one has died and three others have had enteric. Of the five dressers, two have had severe enteric. The wardmaster has spent a fortnight in bed with veldt sores. The washerman has enteric. Of the eighteen orderlies, one is dead, and eight others are down with enteric. So that out of a total of thirty-four we have had seventeen severe casualties fifty per cent. in nine weeks.

Knowing death better, he knew life much better than when he had left England. On the voyage out he had looked at the hills of Madeira with Worthington. Now Worthington was not with him; he had died of enteric at Pretoria in September. Dion was carrying back to England Worthington's last written message to his people.

Of course the only absolute guarantee against the bacilli of enteric fever or other diseases which may be admitted into one's system by drinking, is to boil the waters for five minutes; but it is very provoking, when the thermometer stands at 90° in the shade, to wait until the boiled water cools, and as it is impossible to boil a whole river a few thousand bacilli may quite well get into our food through "washing up".

So poor old Prescott you must know Prescott of Reuter's? anyhow that was the chap poor old Prescott and I went out exploring. When he pegged out with enteric I hadn't finished, so I dumped his widow down at Cettinje where I have some pals, and started out again on my own. That's all." "I don't call that a very picturesque account of your adventures," said Adrian. Jaffery grinned.

'Civilization has its perils, I said dully, 'immature civilization. The period between no-drains and the up-to-date drainage system wants some living through. 'That's all right, Marvell declared. 'I'll watch it. I didn't go through Bloemfontein in the War for nothing. 'Le roi est mort: vive le roi! 'Alack! If Malaria slackened hold, enteric tightened its clutch.

But raging fever made me quite indifferent to this and all other interests. Sunday, December 17, 1899. We are sick of the siege. Enteric and dysentery are steadily increasing. Food for men and horses is short and nasty. Ammunition must be used with care. The longing for the English mail has almost become a disease.

He began to be ill on the 13th of December, but on that day the doctor was not quite sure about its being enteric, although he at once commenced with the treatment for that disease. The following day there was no doubt about it, and we moved him from our noisy and uncomfortable quarters in the Imperial Light Horse Camp to our present abode, which is quite the best house in Ladysmith.

"I can send our surgeon." "I can manage," returned Rainey, alias Carlsen. "It's enteric. I've reduced the fever." They passed on through the hunters' quarters. The girl fell behind with Rainey. "A good make-up and a good actor," she whispered. "I helped him to be sure he covered everything that would show. It was my idea about the bandanna.

You will ask, why this great sickness and mortality? Dysentery and enteric fever are the worst. Here is the minister's noblest vocation, and we could take a dozen Father Damiens for this grand work. When the fever runs high, or the strength gets wasted and the heart goes down, a pleasant smile, a kind word, a verse of Scripture, a brief prayer, goes a long way to revive the drooping spirits.

It is necessary, too, that I should state clearly the manner in which I happened to learn the facts of the affair at Vilboek's Farm, for I should not like you to think that I have given a credulous ear to idle slander. It was in Cape Town, whither I had been despatched, on a false alarm of enteric.