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Updated: August 12, 2024

Didna I see thee, Elleen, clavering with that muckle Archduke that nane can talk with? 'Ay, said Eleanor. 'He is come here a-courting Madame Yolande, with his father's goodwill, for Alsace and Tyrol be his, mountains that might be in our ain Hielands, they tell me. 'Methougnt, said Eleanor, 'she scunnered from him, as Jeanie does at shall I say whom? 'And reason gude, said Margaret.

Jean appropriated the last words, but Elleen felt sure that the earlier ones were ironical, both to her and to the Dauphiness, on whose cheeks they brought a flush.

Her voice had been giving way through the last verse, and in the final line, with a helpless wail of the harp, she hid her face, and sank back with a strange choked agony. 'Why, Elleen! Elleen, how now? cried Jean. 'Cousin Lilias, come!

'They dinna hang the like of him for twisting a goose's neck; it was for the puir leal laddie; and ye may tak' that to him. 'Shall I, Elleen? asked David, with a twinkle in his eye of cousinly teasing. 'An' ye do not, I shall proclaim ye in the lists at Nanci as a corbie messenger and mansworn squire, unworthy of your spurs, threatened Jeanie, in all good humour however.

'That slight, dark-eyed carle who took me off my horse was the Duke of York, of course, said she. 'My certie, a bonnie Scot would make short work of him, bones and all! And it would scarce be worth while to give a clout to the sickly lad that took Elleen down. 'Hush, Jean, said Eleanor; 'some one called him King! Was he King Harry himself?

But never you fear, fair ladies, you have friends, and he will come to terms, said good old Barbe, divided between pity for her guests and loyalty to her masters. 'If it is the Duke, he will free you, Elleen, said Jean weeping; 'he will not care for me! 'Jeanie, Jeanie, could you think I would be set free without you? 'You might not be able to help yourself. 'Tis you that the German wants.

Sir Patie, fetch Geordie, and tell him, an' he loves me, to wed me on the spot, and bear me awa' to bonnie Scotland. Would that I had never been beguiled into quitting it. 'Geordie Douglas! You were all for flouting him a while ago, said Eleanor, puzzled. 'Dinna be sae daft like, Elleen, that was but sport, and and a maid may not hold herself too cheap!

She had never known ailment before, and was thus all the more wretched and impatient, alarming and distressing Eleanor extremely, though Madame de Ste. Petronelle declared it was only a matter of course, and that the lassie would soon be well. 'Ah, Madame, our comforter and helper, said Elleen. 'Call me no French names, dearies. Call me the Leddy Lindsay or Dame Elspeth, as I should be at home.

'I saw the glitter of the spears through the trees. There's another blast of the trumpets! Oh! oh! it is a gallant sight! If only Jamie, my little brother, could see it! It stirs one's blood. 'Ah yes, Elleen, cried Jean. 'This is something to have come for.

Then, as Elleen held up a hand in delight at the thrill of a neighbouring nightingale, she cried, 'What is yon sing-song, seesaw, gurgling bird to our own bonnie laverock, soaring away to the sky, without making such a wark of tuning his pipes, and never thinking himself too dainty and tender for a wholesome frost or two! So Jamie sent you off to seek for husbands here, did he?

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