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Updated: August 12, 2024

Jean was still excited, but she was, with all her faults, very fond of her sister, and obeyed Lady Drummond in being as quiet as possible. She seemed to take it as a matter of course that Elleen should have her strange whims. 'Mother used to beat her for them, she said, 'but Nurse Ankaret said that made her worse, and we kept them secret as much as we could.

Jean had time to look about, and heartily wish that her beautiful flaxen hair was loose, and not encumbered with the rolled headgear with two projecting horns, against which Elleen had rebelled; since York and even London were evidently behind the fashion.

The difficulties engrossed them till the rose-water was brought in silver bowls to wash their fingers, on which Sigismund, after observing and imitating the two ladies, remarked that they had no such Schwarmerci in Deutschland, and Yolande looked as if she could well believe it, while Elleen, though ignorant of the meaning of his word, laughed and said they had as little in Scotland.

'Guifette, Rene gave the word, 'or in Provence, Rondinel della mar hirondelle de la mer! 'Swallow! Ah, the pilgrim birds, who visit the Holy Land. 'Lady, you should be of our court of the troubadours, said Rene; 'your words should be a poem. He was called away at the moment, and craved her licence so politely that the chivalrous minstrel king seemed to Elleen all she had dreamt of.

'My good brother ay, and your father, Jeanie were wont to say they were too Christian to hand on a feud, observed Dame Lilias, at which Jean tossed her head, and said 'That may suit such a carpet-knight as yonder Duke. He is not so tall as Elleen there, nor as his own Duchess. 'I do not like the Duchess, said Annis; 'she looks as if she scorned the very ground she walks on.

But that ane should look at her in presence of her sister! He maun be mair of a monk than a man! Such was, in truth, Jean's own opinion when she flounced into her chamber at the Priory and turned upon her sister. 'Weel, Elleen, and I hope ye've had your will, and are a bit shamed, taking up his Grace so that none by yersell could get in a word wi' him.

'Nay, now, bairnies, fash not yoursells that gate, interfered old Christie; 'nae fear but Lady Elleen will be douce and canny enow when folks are there to see. She kens what fits a king's daughter.

Jean was, in a week, so well that there was no cause for deferring the interview any longer, and, indeed, she was persuaded that Elleen had not been half resolute or severe enough, and that she could soon show the two Barons that they detained her at their peril.

'There! there Geordie is climbing now. St. Bride speed him, and hide them. Well done, Duke! He hoisted him so far. Now his hand is on that broken stone. Up! up! His foot is in the cleft now! His hand oh! clasps the ivy! God help him! Ah, he feels about. Yes, he has it. Now now the top of the battlement. I see no more. They are letting down a rope. Your Duke disna climb like my Geordie, Elleen!

Oh, tell my Jeanie to be content with them never seek earthly crowns ashes ashes Elleen Jeanie all of them my love-oh! safe, safe. Now, indeed, I can pardon 'Pardon! said the French priest, catching the word. 'Whom, Madame, the Sieur de Tillay? Even on the gasping lips there was a semi-smile. 'Tillay I had forgotten! Tillay, yes, and another.

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