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And though this day he had been on the trot all the sunshine through, nevertheless, when the sun was going down there was wee Gibbie upon the trot in the chilling and darkening streets. He had not had much to eat. He had been very near having a penny loaf. Half a cookie, which a stormy child had thrown away to ease his temper, had done further and perhaps better service in easing Gibbie's hunger.

"Son," he said gravely, "do you know that you've made a mighty bitter enemy in the last fifteen minutes? Dyckman is Farley's confidential man, and when he gets his knife ground good and sharp he's goin' to cut you with it, once for himself and once for his boss." Tom's laugh was an easing of strains.

The task of preparing Catherine and easing off Morris presented difficulties which increased in the execution, and even led the impulsive Lavinia to ask herself whether the modification of the young man's original project had been conceived in a happy spirit.

He would have liked to offer his lower berth to this senior of his, when he saw him arranging to take possession of the upper; but he did not quite know how to manage it. He noticed that as the other moved about he limped slightly, unless it were rather a weary easing of his person from one limb to the other. He stooped to pull his trunk out from under the berth, and Burnamy sprang to help him.

There was an awfully tall shadow of sails half up to the clouds I thought and the black of the hull looked as long as a dock. A voice was hurled to us, but we couldn't quite make it out but it was the watch, probably, saying a word or two by way of easing his feelings. We worked up to the windward of that one and slowly crowded past her tumbling green light.

Rollinson had more than once spoken of his beautiful cousin, Violet Rossano, and I knew a little of her history. I learned more of it that night, and myself became concerned in it in a very surprising manner. Miss Rossano and I talked of Jack and of our common adventures, and to my delight, and the great easing of my embarrassment, she treated me almost like an old friend.

There came a quiet rap at the door, then the voice of one of the housemaids, saying: "La Señorita Zoraida desires immediately to speak with Señor Barlow." Barlow, just easing himself into a chair, jumped up. "Coming," he called. Kendric, too, sprang up, his hand locking hard upon Barlow's arm. "Twisty," he said, "hold on a minute. The house isn't on fire." "Well?"

The master, who had been used to purchase slaves upon that coast, went on shore, and looking at the cauzee's wife, paid the money to the wicked young man, who went his way, and the lady was carried on board the ship, supposing that her companion had taken the opportunity of easing her fatigue, by procuring her a passage to some sea-port near Mecca: but her persecution was not to end here.

Instead of flattering him, I gave him, frankly but gently, my opinion of the cornfed school of literature, easing the sting by inferring that he without doubt had bigger things up his sleeve than his so-called prose poems. What I said struck the right chord. "Of course a fellow has to make a living first."

How comfortable they all are, as compared not only with the prisoners, but even with the peasants!" These thoughts again involuntarily came to Nekhludoff's mind. The man on whom depended the easing of the fate of the Petersburg prisoners was an old General of repute a baron of German descent, who, as it was said of him, had outlived his wits.