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"But what was Mr Moffat's birth?" said Frank, almost with scorn; "or what Miss Dunstable's?" he would have added, had it not been that his father had not been concerned in that sin of wedding him to the oil of Lebanon. "True, Frank. But yet, what you would mean to say is not true. We must take the world as we find it.

"What's it all about?" someone would ask, fluttering the leaflet before Dunstable's unmoved face. "You should read it carefully," Dunstable would reply. "It's all there." "But what are you playing at?" "We tried to make it clear to the meanest intelligence. Sorry you can't understand it."

Meanwhile Meadows walked back to the house. He had been a good deal nettled by Lady Dunstable's last remark to him. But he had taken pains not to show it. Doris might say such things to him but no one else. They were, of course, horribly true! Well quarrelling with Lady Dunstable was amusing enough when there was room to escape her. But how would it be in the close quarters of a yacht?

But in the end resentment came to her aid, together with an angry and redoubled curiosity as to what might be happening to Lady Dunstable's precious son while Lady Dunstable was thus absorbed in robbing other women of their husbands.

The girl threw up her hands tragically. Doris sat up, with energy. "But what on earth," she said, "does it matter to you or to me?" "Oh, can't you see?" said the other, flushing deeply, and with the tears in her eyes. "My father had one of Lord Dunstable's livings. We lived on that estate for years. Everybody loved Lord Dunstable.

It was better for him, undoubtedly, to have the lady for a creditor than the duke, seeing that it was possible for him to live as a tenant in his own old house under the lady's reign. But this he found to be a sad enough life, after all that was come and gone. The election on Miss Dunstable's part was lost.

"Lord and Lady Dunstable's." "You know them?" exclaimed Doris. "I used to know them quite well," said the girl, quietly. "My father had one of Lord Dunstable's livings. He died last year. He didn't like Lady Dunstable. He quarrelled with her, because because she once did a very rude thing to me. But this would be too awful! And poor Lord Dunstable! Everybody likes him.

"D'you know...." said Ruthven. Chadwick's face was a delicate green. "I believe," said Dunstable, "the stuff ... was ... poisoned. "Drink this," said the school doctor, briskly, bending over Dunstable's bed with a medicine-glass in his hand, "and be ashamed of yourself. The fact is you've over-eaten yourself. Nothing more and nothing less. Why can't you boys be content to feed moderately?"

It arrived by the morning post, and he never felt really himself till after breakfast. "Here, Morrison," he said to his secretary, later in the morning: "just answer this, will you? The usual thing thanks and most deeply grateful, y'know." Next day the following was included in Dunstable's correspondence: Mr. Montagu Watson presents his compliments to Mr.

Dunstable's got just as much over at Day's. So you see the Trust is a jolly big show. Here are your two pages. That looks just like your scrawl, doesn't it? These would be fourpence in the ordinary way, but you can have 'em for nothing this time." "Oh, I say," said Jackson gratefully, "that's awfully good of you." After that the Locksley Lines Supplying Trust, Ltd. went ahead with a rush.