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I never saw him all the while give so much as one pleasant look, till he perceived he had wounded Apollyon with his two-edged Sword; then indeed he did smile, and look upward; but 'twas the dreadfullest sight that ever I saw. So when the Battel was over, Christian said, I will here give thanks to him that hath delivered me out of the mouth of the Lion, to him that did help me against Apollyon.

I never saw him, all the while, give so much as one pleasant look, till he perceived he had wounded Apollyon with his two-edged sword; then, indeed, he did smile and look upward; but it was the dreadfullest fight that ever I saw. Ed. 'Spaked'; marked with small spots. Ed. Instituted, inducted, or installed. Ed. Exposed to violence blindfolded or hoodwinked. Ed.

The effect of this piece of doggerel was entirely convincing, and for days afterwards whenever Minnie met the Simpsons even a mile from the brick house she shuddered and held her peace. On the very next Friday after this "dreadfullest fight that ever was seen," as Bunyan says in Pilgrim's Progress, there were great doings in the little schoolhouse on the hill.

Cecile, Aunt Lydia is the dreadfullest woman in all the world. Do you know what she meant by a yard of rope?" "No, Maurice; tell me," asked Cecile, her face growing white. "It means, Cecile, that our dog our darling, darling Toby is to be hung, hung till he dies. Our Toby is to be murdered, Cecile, and Aunt Lydia is to be his murderer. That's what it means." "But, Maurice, how do you know?

I hope the darned rip'll heal up. I've no 'casion to hev a line rove through it 'n' be towed, that I know of." "How did it feel when it went through?" asked Aunt Maria, full of curiosity and awe. "Felt's though I'd got the dreadfullest influenzee thet ever snorted. Twitched 'n' tickled like all possessed." "Was it an arrow?" inquired the still unsatisfied lady. "Reckon 'twas. Never see it.

There was no room for me to escape. I went about with my heart full of these thoughts, little better than a distracted fellow; in short, running headlong into the dreadfullest despair, and premeditating nothing but how to rid myself out of the world; and, indeed, the devil, if such things are of the devil's immediate doing, followed his work very close with me, and nothing lay upon my mind for several days but to shoot myself into the head with my pistol.

And in an instant she opens her eyes and up she sits, and spins herself round, and down wi' her, wi' a clack on her two tall heels on the floor, facin' me, ogglin' in my face wi' her two great glassy eyes, and a wicked simper wi' her wrinkled lips, and lang fause teeth. "Well, a corpse is a natural thing; but this was the dreadfullest sight I ever sid.

I never saw him all the while give so much as one pleasant look, till he perceived that he had wounded Apollyon with his two-edged sword; then indeed he did smile and look upward! but it was the dreadfullest sight that ever I saw." I glanced up at my mother, half resolved.

And then she tould me all and, not contint with what he'd done down stairs, but the dhrunken ruffian must come up into her bed-room and swear the most dreadfullest things to her you iver heerd, Mrs Kelly.

Ed, in the doorway, stood for one moment agape; the next, ignorant of the full purport of his own words ignorant that though man may come westwards he may yet bring his worship with him ignorant that to make the Dream the Reality and the Reality the Dream is Heaven's dreadfullest favour and ignorant that, that Edge once crossed, there is no return to the sanity and sweetness and light that are only seen clearly in the moment when they are lost for ever he had dashed down the stairs crying in a voice hoarse and high with terror: "She's mad!