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"Warfield, by !" Al blurted in his outraged astonishment. "Trailing me with a bunch, are yuh? I knew you'd double-cross your own father but I never thought you had it in you to do it in the open. Damn yuh, what d'yuh want that you expect to get?" Warfield stared at him, slack-jawed.

Hunt told me what you said about Johnny taking your papers. I had you sized up as being too smart to make a claim like that unless you really believed it. And I thought maybe you could prove it, given a chance. If you can get to Hunt now ... tell him the real truth before Johnny rigs something of a double-cross...." "Would he believe me any more than he did when I accused Shannon?"

Did you think I'd try to double-cross you, too? I can't blame you, after the rotten deal that's been handed to you, but we won't waste time arguing. Here's the stretcher. Come on, shove him in!" The Doctor had been wondering when the dénouement of this adventure would be. Now it came without warning, with a startling suddenness which left him dazed and agape.

"I'm wise to wot youse an' dat guy was chinnin' about," he growled, "an' I'm right here to tell youse dat you don't wanta try an' put nothin' over on me, see? Youse ain't a-goin' to double-cross Billy Byrne. I gotta good notion to han' youse wot's comin' to you. If it hadn't been fer youse I wouldn't have been here now on dis Gawd-forsaken wreck. Youse is de cause of all de trouble.

"I guess I don't forget Jimmy Drake," he mused grimly to himself. "He's straight cotton. The only one who didn't give me the double-cross out and out. Bud, Bud!" he declared to himself, "this is sure the wind-up. You've struck bed-rock and the tide's coming in hard. You're all to the weeds. Buck up, buck up," he growled savagely, in fierce contempt. "What're you dripping about?"

You succeed here an' live in peace an' plenty.... An', by God! you take up with a lot of foreign riffraff an' double-cross the people you owe so much!... What's wrong with your mind?... Think it over.... An' that's the last word I have for you." Anderson, turning to his desk, took up a cigar and lighted it. He was calm again. There was really sadness where his face had shown only fury.

She was just a girl, somewhere, as old Carson put it, between eighteen and twenty-two. What business did a kid like this have knowing so blamed much? "You've got your rope on the right pair of horns," he said after his brief pause. "How did you know that Trevors was working the double-cross on this deal?" she demanded. "I didn't know," he said stiffly. "I just guessed. The same as you.

"I know Solomon and I've known him for years," he said. "I know him as well as you, colonel. As far as we are concerned, Solly is straight. I'm not denying the possibility that he wants to break away, but that's only natural. He's a man with a daughter, and he's made his pile, but I'll stake my life that he'll never double-cross us."

But understand this: If you double-cross me in any detail of this game, you'll never go to the penitentiary for what Benham knows about you I'll choke the gizzard out of you!" He took a turn around the room, stopping at last in front of the Judge. "Now we'll talk business. I want you to issue an order permitting me to erect mining machinery on Trevison's land. We need coal here."

I can prove that if you want me to. Are they tryin' to double-cross you?" "Something like that, yes." "Well, you leave it to me, see? I'll square you all right." "Thanks," murmured Jean, and then he, too, turned aside.