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Docthor, reverend Docthor, drink; may I never sin, but you must get merry an' dance a 'cut-along' wid myself, when the music comes, and you must thrip the priest in his boots wid Susy here afther. Excuse me, nabors Docthor, you won't blame me, there's both joy and sorrow in these tears.

'Misther Dugan, how old a-are ye? 'Sivinty-five, thanks be, says Dugan. 'Thin, says Gavin, 'take wan iv me cards, he says. 'I hope ye'll not forget me, he says. "'Twas there I got th' lah grip. Lastewise, it is me opinion iv it, though th' docthor said I swallowed a bug. It don't seem right, Jawn, f'r th' McGuires is a clane fam'ly; but th' docthor said a bug got into me system.

"'I'll not be a privit much longer, sez Love-o'-Women in his gentleman's voice, an' the docthor jumped. "'Thrate me as a study, Docthor Lowndes, he sez; an' that was the first time I'd iver heard a docthor called his name. "'Good-bye, Terence, sez Love-o'-Women. "Tis a dead man I am widout the pleasure av dyin'. You'll come an' set wid me sometimes for the peace av my soul.

This being over, he enters upon his allotted duties as a student and in good sooth feels himself in admirable trim for "a set-in at the King's Mutton." "Well, Docthor, that is a toast. Denis, have you nothing to say to that? Won't you stand up an' thank his Reverence, anyhow?"

Payment! och, that signifies but little: but you and them 'll be well paid. Oh, Docthor, achora, thry an' save her! Och, thry an' save her!" "Keep her easy," replied the doctor, "and let my directions be faithfully followed. In the meantime, Mr. Connell, be a man and display proper fortitude under a dispensation which is common to all men in your state."

"Can ye fale the bullet in the wound, me young inimy?" he said, with a sigh. "No," I replied, looking him full in the eyes. "Our doctor will see to that." "Then ye've got a docthor with ye?" he said, pretty strongly now.

"Well, well, Docthor," said Denis, "that was all right; let Mave alone, an' maybe she'll be apt to find out a pair that will match Mrs. Hacket's. Not that I say it, but she doesn't like to be outdone in anything." "Docthor, I was wishin' to know, sir," continued the uncle of the absent candidate, "what the value of a good parish might be."

"Well, well, the dacint man sint his daughter Molly to have a convint schoolin'; an' she larned to pass th' butther in Frinch an' to paint all th' chiny dishes in th' cubb'rd, so that, whin Donahue come home wan night an' et his supper, he ate a green paint ha-arp along with his cabbage, an' they had to sind f'r Docthor Hinnissy f'r to pump th' a-art work out iv him. So they did.

"Like our own docthor, he is, the blank, dirty suckers they are! Sure, they'd pull a bung hole out be the roots!" "He's not that way," replied Swipey, "our doctor." "Not much he ain't!" cried Shorty. "But he's into the biggest game with 'Mexico' an' the boys ye ever seen in this camp." "Fer the love av Hivin git him!" cried Tommy. "The man is dyin'. Here, min, let's git him in."

Docthor, here's wishin' you all happiness, an' may you set Mike on his legs wanst more! See, Docthor see, man alive look at this purty girl here, wid her wet cheeks; give her some hope, ahagur, if you can; keep the crathur's spirits up, an' I'll furnish you wid every yarrib in Europe, from the nettle to the rose." "Don't despair, my good girl," said the Doctor, addressing Peggy.