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There's a divvil av a conthrast here now, if ye'd only glimpse it. This civillyzation, ripraysinted be this railroad, don't seem to fit, noways. It's like it had butted into a pitcher book! Ain't he a darlin'?" "I've never seen him up close," said Murphy. There was none of Carson's enthusiasm in his voice.

It's a bit nervous Oi am about thrampin' round through th' woods afther darruk since Oi shot thot divvil Dil Noort, but it's no more he'll bother any wan at all, at all, an' soon Oi think some of his foine friends will be in th' same box wid him." "You shoot um Del Norte?" asked Red Ben, with a show of interest. "Him say Irishman do it, but Ben no think it him friend."

The committee and the two members of the cabinet returned to the shore. There was no boat. It was far away, headed for the mainland. "Shenanigans!" said Sean O'Donohue in a voice that would have curdled sulphuric acid. "I warned him no shenanigans! The dirty young bog-trotter's left us here to be eaten up by the beasts!" The solicitor general said hastily: "Divvil a bit of it, sir.

"Me back is broke," was the faint answer. "Oi'm a dead mon." "What happened? How did you fall? Tell me, for, at least, I may be able to avenge you." "It's the dead returned to loife!" gasped the dying man. "Oi saw him up there, me bhoy!" "Who did you see?" "Thot human divvil Porrfeeus dil Noort." "Impossible! Del Norte is dead."

"Yes; here it is, 42° 35 minutes north latitude, and longitude 50° 10 minutes west," said the skipper. "I worked it out also, on my own hook, and you and I tallied, if you recollect?" "Of course we did, the divvil doubt it, sir," answered the second mate in his usual Irish fashion.

As he told how Silence had sneered and mocked, the young Irishman began to grow warm. "It's roight Frankie is about betting," said Mulloy; "but divvil a bit different could Oi have done mesilf, Ephraim. It's wake and feeble crathers we are. Gallup, me bhoy, Oi'm your side parthner. We're going to do our bist to win thot game to-morrow.

"Pat," said he at breakfast, "I want you to go to the city this morning and fetch out all of the STUDIOS you can find about the place. The old ones are in that Italian hall seat and the late ones are in the studio. Bring all of them." "There's a divvil of a bunch of thim," said Pat ruefully. He was not to begin sketching the figure until the following day.

Jist thin th' the divvil dead ur aloive walked out, pointin' av his finger at me. Oi shtarted to run away, an' thin an' thin Oi fell. Thot's all, me bhoy." Remarkable and unaccountable though it seemed, Frank came to believe, while O'Toole talked, that Del Norte still lived. That explained the kidnapping of Inza.

How the divvil did ye do it, Barnes?" "Are you disposed to be friendly, O'Dowd?" demanded Barnes. "If you are not, we may just as well fight it out now as later on. I do not mean to submit without a " "You are not to fight!" she cried in great agitation. "What are you doing? Put it away! Don't shoot!" "Is it a gun he is pulling" inquired O'Dowd calmly.

"I've been wantin' to spake a word wid ye for two weeks now about thim cows which me brother in Illinoy has been askin' me about, an' divvil a chance have I had to see ye!" And as he yanked Trevison's shoulders downward with a sudden pressure that there was no resisting, he whispered, rapidly. "Diputies thirty av thim wid Winchesters on the other side av the flat-cars.