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The gust of rage had gone and left him with the cold vindictive cunning the Celt who has a grievous injury to remember is also capable of, and there was contempt but no fear in his voice as he turned to Courthorne quietly. "Sure it's your turn now," he said. "The last time I put my mark on the divil's face of ye." Courthorne laughed wickedly. "It was a bad day's work for you.

"I think I'll get him to throw the ten shillings off he as good as promised me he would." "Masther!" exclaimed the pedlar, bitterly "oh, thin, it's he that's the divil's masther, by all accounts, an' the divil's landlord, too.

I votes we get th' old man to put him aboard th' first ship what comes a-heavin' down nigh enough, hey?" "It would suit me all right," I answered. "Jim and Long Tom an' Hans an' a whole lot av us have th' matter in mind, an' we'll speak wid th' skipper afore long. There's a divil's mess below in th' fore-peak, where a barrel has bruk loose that I'll have to mix wid first.

The country people call this place "the back of God-speed," "the back of the world," and "the divil's own hunting ground," but why they do it nobody seems to know. The village is on the road to nowhere, and I dropped on it, as it were, accidentally, during a long drive to the remotest end of Galway Bay.

"No," she replied, nodding towards her husband, "that's his handy work; an' ye divil's clip!" she added, turning to Teddy, "who has a betther right?" She then bled the geese, and, looking about her, asked "Have you any wet hay or straw in the place?" "Ay, plenty of bote," replied Teddy; "an' here's de greeshavigh ready."

He saved ye from the wrack, an' now ye lay in his house but I warns ye not to offer money to him for the sarvice he has done ye. Sure, he wouldn't be needin' the money, an' wouldn't take it if he was. He lives by the sea aye, in his own way! an' when the sea feeds full at all she fills her men with the divil's own pride." Flora was puzzled and slightly amused.

"It must be in the divil's basin, then," she replied, "for if one can judge by their eyes, you're more like one of his childre than your honest father's, whoever he was or is. Troth, I'm afeard it's a dirty business you're; all about to-night, if a body is to take you by your looks." "Why, then," observed another, "who 'ud think that poor die-away Vread had so much spunk in her?

"Nobody wants you to wait nobody wants you to wait!" said the father. "Whist, Larry, whist! be asy a while." "I won't whist, and I won't be asy: so, Mr. Keegan, if you want to have my answer, take it, and carry it down to that old bricklayer in Carrick, whose daughter has the divil's bargain in you; and for the like of that you're not bad matched.

She had injured three hounds, upset two old women and a donkey-cart, broken a gate, and finally, on arriving at the place of her birth, had, according to the farmer, "fired the divil's pelt of a kick into her own mother's stomach". Moreover, she "hadn't as much sound skin on her as would bait a rat-trap" I here quote Mr. Trinder and she had fever in all her feet. Of course I bought her.

"Now, if that divil's own ship the Xenophon would only lave port, I'd fale better," remarked Terrence as they wended their way to their rooms. Fernando could not see any harm the Xenophon could do them. The president of the college had forgiven them, and surely they need not care for the ship.