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He seated himself in Gilder's chair at the desk, and drew the telephone to him. "Give me 999 Bryant," he said. His tone was hardly louder than a whisper, but spoken with great distinctness. There was a little wait. Then an answer in a voice he knew came over the wire. But Garson said nothing more.

The Bishop's family is proverbially numerous: the consul, and the gentlemen of the mission, have wives, and children, and English establishments. These, and the strangers, occupied places down the room, to the right and left of the desk and communion-table.

"They do love to poke around that shack and I'm afraid they will feel hurt if they think you do not want them." She tapped her pencil absently on the desk for a moment. "I tell you, children," she cried, putting an arm around each.

He had hitherto sat at the same desk with Alaric, each of them occupying one side of it; on his return he found himself opposite to a stranger. Alaric had, of course, been promoted to a room of his own. The Weights and Measures had never been a noisy office; but now it became more silent than ever. Men there talked but little at any time, and now they seemed to cease from talking altogether.

"I tell you," said Lapham, jabbing the point of his penknife into the writing-pad on the desk before him, "when I hear women complaining nowadays that their lives are stunted and empty, I want to tell 'em about my MOTHER'S life. I could paint it out for 'em." Bartley saw his opportunity at the word paint, and cut in. "And you say, Mr.

"Couldn't you find a room down in the village somewhere, at Mrs. Merrill's perhaps?" suggested the clerk. "But Mrs. Merrill isn't here this spring." In spite of its quiver the voice was very sweet. "No," she started to turn away, "I'll have to put it off again, I suppose. I've looked everywhere." She took a step or two, hesitated, then returned to the desk.

Bless the girl, what are you shivering about? That's right! Pull yourself together! Now, let us get down to business." He took a note from the drawer of his desk. "You say that you have five letters which compromise the Countess d'Albert. You want to sell them. I want to buy them. So far so good. It only remains to fix a price. I should want to inspect the letters, of course.

You virtually placed your honor and reputation, which I know to be above reproach, into the keeping of a man who would sell his soul for a thousand crowns." The girl felt her knees give way, and she sat down. Tears slowly welled up in her eyes and overflowed, blurring everything. The duke got up and went over to his desk, rummaging among the papers. He returned to the girl with a letter.

The opening was sensational. No sooner had Trundle taken his seat than Dyke leapt to his feet, jumped on the desk, jumped off it into the vast paper basket, upset that, charged up to Trundle, shook him by the hand, and began to pour out words: "My dear sir, how are you? How is Mrs Trundle, and the little Trundles? Have you had a pleasant Christmas? I have, sir. This, sir, is your extra French set.

Tisdale did not look at her directly; he wished to give her time to cover the emotion he had surprised. "I should say the room was built for Don Silva's desk," he amended. "And do you know? this view reminds me of a little picture of Granada, a water-color of my mother's, that hung in my room when I was a boy. But this pocket has changed some since we first saw it; your dragon's teeth are drawn."