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Upon this desk plays have grown up? Won't you give me a single sheet of manuscript to take home with me?" "I certainly shall." He pulled out a drawer and found some old manuscript. He selected a sheet, signed it, and gave it to her. "I am rich!" the girl exclaimed. "Signed manuscript from a real live author!

But Louise Van Burnam, while weak and volatile enough to enjoy the romantic features of this transformation scene, even going so far as to write out the order herself with the same effort at disguise she had used in registering their assumed names at the desk, was not entirely his dupe, and having hidden the letter in her shoe " "What!" I cried.

To this she got simply a line of an answer, declaring that this falling back was impossible, and then nothing was heard of him for ten days. He had gone from Tuesday to Saturday week; and the first that Camilla saw of him was his presence in the reading desk when he chaunted the cathedral service as priest-vicar on the Sunday. At this time Arabella was very ill, and was confined to her bed. Mr.

"Did you enter the room?" "Yes; I had left the light burning and entered to turn it off. I found on the desk another note beginning, 'My dear wife." "And then what?" "I was here the next night and the next. There was something about it that fascinated me, and I saw that there was no reason for fear. In the end it came to seem almost natural almost as if he were here in the flesh."

Pere Planus never raised his nose from his desk; one could see him from the little garden, leaning over his great ledgers, jotting down in magnificently molded figures the profits of the Risler press. Risler still worked as before, without change or rest.

Got there a bit late, found his master sitting at his desk with a wad of bank notes on the blotting-pad, a paper of pearls on one side of him, a lot of diamond ornaments at the other big temptation to a chap, who, as it turns out, was hard up, and had got into the hands of money-lenders.

It was for a day and night's entertainment, the debtor 'Mr. Crewe, the date less than a week gone by. This document she considered attentively, her brows knitted, her eyes wide. But a sound caused her to drop it upon the desk again. Another moment, and Crewe entered. He looked keenly at her, and less good-humouredly than of wont.

Susanna immediately withdrew, the few words he said seeming to have diffused sunshine into a face which appeared doubly serious. When she was gone, Solomon laid his head down upon the desk before him, and remained in that position for some time.

Suddenly she threw herself forward, calling on God to strike her dead, and fell quite weak and helpless, with her face on the master's desk, crying and sobbing as if her heart would break. The master lifted her gently and waited for the paroxysm to pass.

He did not know clearly just what he had expected upon his return, but then he had not expected the kind of return that he had experienced. There had been nothing epochal in it. Even his job was waiting for him; it seemed to him even the same routine details. One file of correspondence that he had found upon his desk that first morning had had a singularly familiar look.