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"It's probably no use," he demurred. "The woman knows." "The Lord knows, too," declared Brown, with a propelling hand on his friend's arm: "knows that you're here to give the child a chance. Come! Hurry!" The two went out. Doctor Brainard would have stayed for his hat and overcoat, but Brown would brook no delay. Left behind, the party by the fire looked at one another with faces sobered.

She at first demurred a little, as she was aware that our means were limited; but when my mother told her that she would not know what to do without her, it seemed to set her mind at rest, and she gladly assented to our proposal, and it was settled that for the future her home was to be with us. I had as yet settled upon no definite plan in regard to teaching.

They're ALL splendid!" he declared with a sudden strange sound of wistfulness and envy. "They're at least HAPPY." "Happy?" it appeared, with their various difficulties, to surprise her. "Well I seem to myself among them the only one who isn't." She demurred. "With your constant tribute to the ideal?" He had a laugh at his tribute to the ideal, but he explained after a moment his impression.

Numerous albatrosses and other large sea birds and gulls were hovering above the struggling creature, from time to time diving and pecking it. "What in the world can it be?" cried Frank. "We might go and see, but the professor is wet and should get back to the ship," said Ben. "Oh, my dear sir, don't mind me," demurred that individual.

The clergy and preachers demurred, but to no purpose; the Parliament ceased to resist the arguments of the Prince, when he represented to them as magistrates, that the peace of the state and the prosperity of the Church must be inseparable.

"Why should he be fined?" demurred the party. "Because," retorted Hsueeh P'an, "what he says is entirely unintelligible to me. So how can he not be fined?" Yuen Erh gave him a pinch. "Just you quietly think of yours," she laughed; "for if by and bye you are not ready you'll also have to bear a fine." In due course Pao-yue took up the guitar.

A genius for entertaining was one of Tina's principal characteristics; and she did not fail to make free with raisins, or citrons, or whatever came to hand, in a spirit of hospitality at which Polly seriously demurred.

He demurred at this, but finally withdrew and established headquarters across the bay at a place called Bacoor, from which place on the 15th of June he sent me a proclamation declaring the independence of the Philippines. "The Chairman. Was that the first? "Admiral Dewey. That was the first intimation; the first I had ever heard of independence of the Philippines. "The Chairman.

The lad was all excitement; palpitant with eagerness to be off in pursuit. Akut demurred. He wanted nothing of men. To him the lad was a fellow ape, for he was the son of the king of apes. He tried to dissuade the boy, telling him that soon they should come upon a tribe of their own folk where some day when he was older the boy should be king as his father had before him. But Jack was obdurate.

"There is no train in either direction before nine o'clock this evening," he demurred. And then: "It is nearly six now: if you haven't anything better to do, why not stay and take dinner with me? I'm a lone bachelor-man, and I'd be mighty glad of your company." The wagon had driven off and the street was empty.