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Private sector creditors and depositors have little leverage over delinquent debtors or banks. When Russia and trigger happy Russian firms defaulted on their obligations in 1998, even the largest lenders, such as the EBRD, were unable to recover their credits and investments.

Three days later he received the scrap- book from a messenger, with a note warning him never again to darken his Old Friend's door. And he was led away to the Asylum for the Indiscreet. The Faithful Cashier The Cashier of a bank having defaulted was asked by the Directors what he had done with the money taken.

Indeed it had all come back to him with the vividness of a landscape seen during a lightning flash the crowded court, old Doc Barrows upon the witness stand, charged with getting money on the strength of defaulted and outlawed bonds picked up heaven knows where pathetically trying to persuade an unsympathetic court that for some reason they were still worth their face value, though the mortgage securing the debt which they represented had long since been foreclosed and the money distributed.

He stepped forward, but she was out before he reached her side. His awe had delayed him. He drew back then, for the star, after vigorously shaking herself, went to a tall brazier in which glowed a charcoal fire. Here he now noticed for the first time the prop-boy Jimmie, he who had almost certainly defaulted with an excellent razor.

At the last moment Collins defaulted, his nerve completely gone. Since, however, he was a thrifty soul, he sold his place to Soapy for ten dollars, and proceeded to invest the proceeds in an immediate drunk. During the first ten minutes of supper Miss Messiter did not appear, and the two guardians who flanked her chair solicitously were the object of much badinage.

That most mysteriously she should twice have defaulted as keeper of sacred treasure; that she stood long accused, by those who would most gladly have scouted the charge, of leanings to another suitor, a suitor in the blue, and of sympathies, nay, services, treasonous to the ragged standards of the gray; that he had himself found her in the enemy's lines, carried there by her own steps, and accepting captivity without a murmur, ah, what were such light-as-air trials of true love's faith while she was still Anna Callender, that Anna from whom one breath saying, "I am true," would outweigh all a world could show or surmise in accusation?

Every man who plunged into the fur wilderness took courage in one hand and his life in the other. If he lost his courage, he lost his life. Indian fray, turbulent rapids, winter cold took toll of the weak and the feckless. Nature accepts no excuses. The man who defaulted in manhood was wiped out sucked down by the rapids, buried in winter storms, absorbed into the camps of Indian degenerates.

Our government, state and municipal bonds speak for themselves, and in the main require no examination as to the security, though there have been cities and even states that have defaulted in their payments.

She was a thing that had been bartered for and could be cast aside without loss a pawn. And she had committed the inconceivable sin of rebelling against the laws of commerce: she had defaulted! They would not forgive her for that. My heart warmed toward her. She had been afraid of the dark! I can forgive a great deal in a person who is afraid of the dark. I looked at my watch.

Huff has defaulted on her first month's interest and, according to the terms of her note, the collateral automatically passes to me." "Well, keep it, then," burst out Wiley, "and I hope to God you get stuck for every cent. Your old mine isn't worth a dam'!" "Why Wiley!" gasped Blount, quite shaken for the moment by this disastrous piece of news, "what reason have you for thinking that?"