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Updated: August 17, 2024

Fifty years ago the ablest men in every community were the preachers, the doctors, and the lawyers. They were the only college graduates of the town and were looked up to. To-day, while we pay our salesmanagers from $15,000 to $20,000 a year, and lawyers and doctors large fees, we pay our preachers only miserable salaries. It's a damnable disgrace to all of us.

Incessant massacre of female innocents has changed the proportions of the sexes and perverted their relations. Thus, when we regard the manners of the dog, we see a romantic and monogamous animal, once perhaps as delicate as the cat, at war with impossible conditions. Man has much to answer for; and the part he plays is yet more damnable and parlous than Corin's in the eyes of Touchstone.

At this, first he gave her an ugly wish, and then fell into a fearful rage, and sware moreover that if she did go, he would make both her and all her damnable brotherhood, for so he was pleased to call them, to repent their coming thither. ATTEN. But what should he mean by that? WISE. You may easily guess what he meant.

He was dark, and had a scar that drew up the left corner of his mouth." Réchamp turned to me. "It's the same. I heard the men describing him at Moulins." We followed the old woman into the house, and while she gave us some bread and wine she told us about the wrecking of the village and the factory. It was one of the most damnable stories I've heard yet.

"Woman!" reiterated Deans, "either speak about what ye ken something o', or be silent; I say that independency is a foul heresy, and anabaptism a damnable and deceiving error, whilk suld be rooted out of the land wi' the fire o' the spiritual, and the sword o' the civil magistrate." "Weel, weel, neibor, I'll no say that ye mayna be right," answered the submissive Judith.

Oh, I say, I wish I could want again like that anything to get drunk to go to the dogs anything in the world. It's this damnable not wanting. Do you know I've been trying every night this week to drift into that show just to see if it were really that funny kid. I felt I ought to want to. Why, even the fellows down in Angola had heard of her."

Nevertheless, I could see that the Chevalier was much troubled. "She forgot race, religion, people all, to spend still hours with a foreign spy in prison," urged Bigot, with damnable point and suggestion. "Hush, sir!" said the Chevalier. "She is a girl once much beloved and ever admired among us. Let not your rancour against the man be spent upon the maid.

As the years had passed, more than once he had been haunted by a dread that some day he might come upon some tragic truth long hidden. Here he was face to face with it. But what imagination could have painted it like this? "You think my lie a damnable thing," said Latimer. "No, no!" answered the other man, harshly. "No, no!" He moved to and fro, and Latimer went on. "I never understood," he said.

The great critic, when he comes upon a passage against which his very soul recoils, on the score of its halting Latinity, rises up in his wrath and tears the oration to tatters, till he will have none of it. One set of objectionable words he encounters after another, till the whole seems to him to be damnable, and the oration is condemned.

'Why, blood and fury! cried the former, a gleam of pleasure passing over his horrid features 'here is the very man of all men upon earth, whom I most desired to see. Sydney, you are welcome. 'What damnable villainy have you been at now? demanded Frank, recovering his courage and presence of mind, altho' he had reason to believe that he had fallen into the power of his worst enemy in the world.

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