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Updated: August 4, 2024

When he found himself in the open country, he hurled forth imprecations against the world and fate, tore his hair, curst his stars and his youth, and then rusht almost unconsciously onward. He spurred in the face of the wind that arose at nightfall, as though seeking to cool the fire in his cheeks.

The blandly respectable Addington and Hawkesbury with his "vacant grin" were evidently no match for Napoleon; and Arbuthnot himself dubs Addington "a poor wretch universally despised and laught at," and pronounces the Cabinet "the most inefficient that ever curst a country."

And he recited the following verses: I acted in good faith and they betrayed: I came to nought: They prospered, whilst my loyalty brought me to evil case. If that I live, I will to none good counsel give again: And if I die, good counsellors be curst of every race! And he said to the King, "Is this my reward from thee? Thou givest me the crocodile's recompense."

The which will manifestly appear from the story which I purpose to relate; I say manifestly, ensuing, not the judgment of God, but that of men. The cause of his doubt was that he knew the Burgundians to be litigious, quarrelsome fellows, ill-conditioned and disloyal, and could not call one to mind, in whom he might put any trust, curst enough to cope with their perversity.

It ill suited you and your reverend character thus to curse your greatest enemy: you should not have curst him, villian as he is. 'I did not curse him, child, did I? 'Indeed, Sir, you did; you curst him twice. 'Then may heaven forgive me and him if I did. And now, my son, I see it was more than human benevolence that first taught us to bless our enemies!

Oh, damned Fortune curst Fate!" and I brake out into futile raving awhile. When at last I raised my head it was to behold my lady clasping this vile creature in her arms and cherishing her with tender words and caresses, the which sight wrought me to a very frenzy of cold and bitter rage.

BOSWELL. 'Curst be the SPRING, the WATER. JOHNSON. 'But let us consider what a sad thing it would be, if we were obliged to drink or do any thing else that may happen to be agreeable to the company where we are. LANGTON. 'By the same rule you must join with a gang of cut-purses. JOHNSON. 'Yes, Sir: but yet we must do justice to wine; we must allow it the power it possesses.

Ah, there's thim says for this war, an' there's thim says agin this war, but Heaven lave Himself where he is, I says, for of all the ragin' Turcomaniacs iver a misfortunate woman was curst with, Pat Brady, my full private, he bates 'em all!" Here the band played 'Come back to Erin, and the scene was indescribable.

A curst witch beguiles the handsome idiot poor darling lad that he is! She has him can I tell you how? She has got him got him fast! The nature of the chains are doubtless innocent, if those which a woman throws round us be ever distinguishable. He loves his wife he is not a monster." "He appears desperately feverish," said Merthyr. "Did you not notice it?

Ducie, I have considered your offer, and accept it. It's a curst position " "For a public character," I put in affably. "Don't, sir! I beg that you don't. Your words just now made me suffer a good deal: the more, that I perceive a part of them to be true. An aëronaut, sir, has ambition how can he help it? The public, the newspapers, feed it for a while; they fête, and flatter, and applaud him.

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