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There was an ancient carryall in the barn, and on the Saturday previous little John-Ed was caught and made to clean this vehicle, rub up the green-molded harness, and give the Queen of Sheba more than "a lick and a promise" with the currycomb and brush. At ten o'clock on Sunday morning Sheila herself backed the gray mare out of her stable and harnessed her into the shafts of the carryall.

And the coachman went ahead currying the sleek-looking Ajax II, who whinnied with pleasure as the currycomb slid over his glossy brown coat. "All right, Olaf. Much obliged to you. Here, have a drink of this," said Holmes, with a grin, as he took from his hip-pocket a small bottle of whiskey, which he had thoughtfully provided for just such occasions as this, and offered it to Olaf. "Thanks, Mr.

He hammered the currycomb on a log to clean it before putting it in the box, then gazing to the eastward along the trail that climbed around the shoulder of Cedar Mountain, he saw a buckboard approaching. In the Black Hills one identifies his visitor by his horse, and Jim recognized the Carson outfit.

"Oh, very well," said the old master, with a twinkle in his eye as sly as the other's wink, he had parried a few jokes in his time, "they charge half-price for mares always, I believe." That was a new view of the subject. It rather took the wind out of the stable-keeper, and set a most ammoniacal fellow, who stood playing with a currycomb, grinning at his expense. But he rallied presently.

God of mercy!" he cried, as he looked into it, "your man must have shot you with a currycomb." When he had done his best for me I went to bed, and immediately fell asleep. I slept like a log until the hour of noon perfectly dreamless sleep. I heard the bells of the hour ringing and guessed the time; I remembered that Scipione was away; I remembered everything.

Generally a groom is dressing a horse at the stable door, with a care and accuracy that leave no part of the animal unvisited by the currycomb and brush; the horse, meanwhile, evidently enjoying it, but sometimes, when the more sensitive parts are touched, giving a half-playful kick with his hind legs, and a little neigh.

That tongue of hers is a currycomb, plus warmth and moisture and flexibility. The cat always carries her kittens by the back of the neck; it is her best way to carry them, though I do not suppose this act is the result of experiment on her part. A chimney swift has taken up her abode in my study chimney.

Midnight was very apt to turn and kick when first a hand was laid on him, but he learned to tolerate, and then to love the hand of his master; and when this treatment was later reinforced with a currycomb, the sensation pleased him mightily. The bridle next went on by degrees first as a halter, then as a hackimore, last complete with bit.

He'd like to keep me dangling all day to his coat tails, but it's not fair, and I won't have it. I'll show him whether I'm to be kept a kid forever or not!" "There's spirit for you!" drawled Christopher with a laugh, as he applied the currycomb to the mare's flank. "You just wait till you hear the worst," returned the other, with evident pride in the thunderbolt about to be delivered.

Sam wouldn't do a mean thing, or a dirty thing, any more than a girl would." "And now he thinks he's in love with this Richie woman," Martha went on but William made his escape. He had to go and hitch up, he said. Before he took Jinny out of her stall he went into the harness-room and hunted about on a shelf until, behind a rusty currycomb and two empty oil-bottles, he found a small mirror.